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Bullrich promises to “arrest all those responsible” for the disappearance of the child Loan Peña

Buenos Aires, June 25 (EFE).- The Minister of Security of Argentina met this Tuesday in the city of Goya (northeast of the country) with the judge investigating the disappearance of the child Loan Peña, whose whereabouts are unknown since last 13 June, and assured that the Government’s priority is to “arrest all those responsible” for the event.

“Our priority is to find Loan, as soon as possible, and arrest all those responsible,” Bullrich said in a message published on her official profile on the social network search efforts for the child.

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, a five-year-old boy in the province of Corrientes, has generated an intense search and has captured the attention of all of Argentina.

Loan disappeared while picking oranges with three adults on a property near his grandmother’s house. Since then, authorities have deployed an extensive search operation that includes national and provincial security forces, drones, and tracking dogs.

The person in charge of the Security portfolio in the Government of Javier Milei reaffirmed to Judge Cristina Elizabeth Pozzer Penzo, in charge of the case, her vocation for “maximum collaboration in the search for Loan.”

“Since June 14 (…), the Ministry of Security fulfilled its responsibilities: published the search, offered a reward for anyone who provided relevant information and collaborated (…) in the search carried out by the provincial Justice,” he wrote Bullrich.

At the same time, senior officials from the Ministry of Security met this Tuesday with members of the National Police and Interpol in Paraguay, where it is suspected that the child, allegedly a victim of a crime of human trafficking and exploitation, could have been taken.

For the moment, the Paraguayan Police have already ruled out this point. Initially, Bullrich herself was scheduled to travel to Paraguay, but sources from the Ministry of Security confirmed to EFE that it was decided to “divide the teams” of the department.

For the moment, the Justice of the province of Corrientes (north of the country) has charged six people with the kidnapping of the child, and prosecutors Guillermo Barry and Juan Carlos Castillo indicated that the evidence collected so far leads to ruling out the hypothesis that Loan Peña was lost.

The disappearance of Loan Peña keeps Argentina in suspense. The main television networks have carried out a large amount of information that includes sending teams of reporters to the town of 9 de Julio, where the little boy disappeared. EFE


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