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All the details of the trial for the attack against Cristina Kirchner | Accused, evidence and who is imprisoned

This Wednesday, June 26, the trial for the attack on Cristina Kirchner will begin in which the material aggressor will be tried Fernando Sabag Montiel, Brenda Uliarte and Gabriel Carrizo, owner of the sugar flakes business. In dialogue with 750, the defense lawyer José Manuel Ubeira, gave details of the process.

The trial was much earlier than othersbecause there are young people who have been detained for a long time in solitary conditions, they are not with the rest of the prison population and We thought it was important to clarify this issue“said the lawyer.

“On the other hand, We regret that half of this process has been left behind, which is the investigation of (Gerardo) Millman and the two women who accompanied him“he added.

“Clearly we have a trial against the person who had the responsibility that was seen on television, that is, the attacker, and the people who surrounded him but We still have a nebula about what motivated him and who financed him.“, hill.

What will the process be like?

The trial will be carried out by the Federal Oral Court 6 (TOF6), which is made up of Judge Sabrina Namer and Judges Adrián Grunberg and Ignacio Fornari. The hearings will be every Wednesday at 9:30 in the AMIA Room of Comodoro Py.

The first hearing will be broadcast on YouTube, as will the arguments, however, the witnesses will begin to parade next week.

The crime charged to Fernando Sabag Montiel, his ex-girlfriend Brenda Uliarte and Gabriel Carrizo is doubly qualified homicide due to treachery and premeditated collaboration of two or more people aggravated by the use of a firearm. The first as author, the young woman as co-author and Carrizo as a secondary participant.

As Página/12 published, when he was investigated after his arrest, Sabag Montiel He did not want to talk about what happened but wanted to say: “Brenda had nothing to do with it.” Over time, the man, who was then 35 years old and of Brazilian nationality, had conversations with psychiatric experts and gave an interview on C5N, where he said that he regretted his attempt to kill the then vice president. “I wanted to kill her because of the situation in the country,” he said.

“I pulled the trigger and (the bullet) didn’t come out,” he added. He had not activated the slide of the .32 caliber Bersa, and there were no bullets in the chamber. The footage from that night shows that near him was Uliarte, with a white bag in his hand, and who slipped away from the scene with his head down. She slept at an ex-boyfriend’s house and then went to meet the so-called “copitos” (some of them sugar flake sellers), who gathered at a house in Barracas.

Reed, The third defendant was the owner of the flake sales business, which the couple (Sabag-Uliarte) used to conduct intelligence in Recoleta in the days before the attack. With the stick of snow cotton in their hand, they had become known in appearances on the CrónicaTV channel, where the girl mainly dedicated herself to ranting against the social plans.

Carrizo was compromised by a series of messages that he sent just a short time after the attack on CFK to some acquaintances: “We just tried to kill Cristina”; “my employee wanted to shoot him”; “The gun is mine.” From his texts everything suggested that he had given them a “22 short” revolver, but later it was learned that the weapon was another. Afterwards he clarified to her that in the end it was not his. Until now Carrizo’s argument in the case was always that he was joking, that this was his sense of humor.

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