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Brizuela stated that they made a mistake due to inexperience in discounts

June 25, 2024 – 09:26

The president of the block of deputies of Freedom Advances, Adrián Brizuela, He explained that they made a mistake due to inexperience when applying the discounts to 29 employees, who were stuck because the destination could not be a private account.

“First of all, I want to say that the information is totally malicious. Because, being a new block, we did not know about this,” she apologized in an interview with Radio Ancasti Central Morning.

“The Chamber of Deputies informed us ‘when we were going to make the discount’, which is partisan, and as the note says, all political parties do it, some 10% and others 5% depending on the number of members,” he explained.

Then, in the note they recorded an account from an individual. “The account that we put up is from Daniel Molina, who is the block undersecretary and is the one who manages the Casa de la Libertad,” he argued.

Furthermore, he stated that the deputy Fernando Baigorri “it forms a different political project” so there are no personnel who respond to it who are affected by the partisan discount.

“That money was never deducted from employees who went to a private account, we made that note by mistake, because we were not well informed, and when we saw that this money was not coming out, that it was delayed and we went to find out, they told us that The mistake is that it has to be a party account. So we made the correction and the note was presented 15 days ago where it says that it was deducted from the Libertarian Party account,” he clarified.

Then, “the note was written poorly and the file was blocked.”

Trip to Santa María

Brizuela also spoke about the session that will surely take place next week in Santa María and said that it is not necessary to move the entire Chamber of Deputies inside to soak up “the people’s problems.”

“When the issue was raised in parliamentary work it was always in a joking manner, and the question was what the reason would be, because the regulations state that it could be for reasons of force majeure and it was never clear to me,” said the libertarian Brizuela.

He added that they agreed that there would be no travel expenses and that to date the logistics of the transfer are not clear, “nor where we were going to be, there was talk of some inn that the mayors were going to collaborate with in some way. And something fundamental is to know the agenda, what was going to be done in Santa María,” he said. “And since there was no agenda, I did not sign the note. The expenses and the reason are not clear.”

In addition, he added that from LLA “we see some political whiff to which we do not want to be attached” with this trip.

“We want to be consistent with our premise of transparency and I believe that to understand people’s problems it is not necessary to take the entire Chamber of Deputies. In fact, we are traveling through the interior and we do it with our own money, we do not need to go to sessions inside.”

He maintained that “our position fell badly because they came out attacking everywhere” and that this special session is not in line with the moment of crisis that the country is experiencing.

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