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They assure that the impact of the phenomenon in the country is imminent

Meteorologists assure that in July the “La Niña” phenomenon will begin again and will last three months. Furthermore, the latest report from the Agricultural Risk Office (ORA) of the Bioeconomy Secretariat warns that important oceanic and atmospheric indicators confirm that “La Niña is confirmed.”

The latest report from the Agricultural Risk Office (ORA) of the Bioeconomy Secretariat warns that important oceanic and atmospheric indicators confirm that “La Niña is confirmed”.

La Niña in Argentina

According to the report, since last May the ENSO phenomenon has been in a neutral state and is expected to continue like this until the end of next July, when the arrival of La Niña is predicted. In this context, agroclimatology expert Eduardo Sierra pointed out that, although this phenomenon, known for causing below-normal rainfall, is expected, it is not anticipated to be as “destructive” as last year. It could, however, have some impact on the coarse harvest in the west of Córdoba, La Pampa, the northwest and southwest of Buenos Aires.

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According to the ORA report, “El Niño is waning, as predicted. In turn, important oceanic and atmospheric indicators are aligning with ENSO-neutral conditions. All IRI (International Research Institute / Columbia) prediction models predict neutral conditions for the current quarter (May-June-July 2024)”said the report, which explained that these predictions are not made for each month, but for overlapping quarters.

He anticipated that “The neutral state is expected to persist in the central equatorial Pacific during the winter of 2024”. He remarked: “La Niña becomes the most probable category in the July-August-September 2024 quarter. By then, the probability of La Niña is estimated to reach 65% (neutral 34″, El Niño 1%). From that quarter until the last one covered by the forecast (January-February-March 2025), the most probable state would be La Niña.”he added.

Global phenomenon

El Niño and La Niña are terms used in meteorology to describe climate phenomena related to changes in the temperatures of the Pacific Ocean and their effects on the global climate. El Niño in this region causes above-normal rainfall and La Niña below normal.

The phenomenon known as El Niño manifests itself through an unusual warming of the surface waters of the equatorial Pacific Ocean, generating significant alterations in climate patterns worldwide. These variations can trigger intense rainfall and the occurrence of extreme weather events such as storms and hurricanes.

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