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The population of Puerto López in El Bagre was left between a rock and a hard place after “orders” and “counterorders” from the dissidents and the Clan del Golfo

04:46 PM

The community of the Puerto López district of the municipality of El Bagre – Bajo Cauca Antioquia – was once again at the mercy of the whims of the violent groups that operate in that territory, And now those who criticize the civilian population say they are “very committed” to the Total Peace process.

According to the Sumapaz Foundation, this weekend several merchants from this strategic district were summoned yesterday, Monday, June 24, by members of the 4th front of the FARC Dissidents – which together with the ELN operate there – to inform them of certain guidelines of that organization for this part of the civilian population. Likewise, the terrorists had ordered that, until further orders, commerce in Puerto López would be closed.

However, the surprise of the nearly 8,000 inhabitants of the area was greater when, from the Uldar Cardona front of the Clan del Golfo (today calling itself the Gaitanista Army of Colombia EGC) The “counterorder” was given to the merchants to disobey the “invitation” of the dissidents and keep trade open.

That is to say, the population of Puerto López was left in a deadlock between two illegal groups to whom in said territory, disobeying their orders is practically a death sentence.

“The community feels in the middle of a dispute and crossfire between the Dissents and the EGC that intimidate them not to follow orders from one group or another. This is a clear violation of international humanitarian law. and on the part of the Dissidents a clear violation of the ceasefire agreed with the national government, because it puts civilians in the middle of a tense situation that could even escalate into even more serious events.“, they pointed out from the Foundation.

Puerto López is a strategic area for armed actors not only because of its gold wealth, but also because of its privileged position. which allows it to have exits to the Northeast and Bajo Cauca subregions of Antioquia, as well as to the south of the department of Bolívar and Magdalena Medio.

For this reason, armed groups fight with blood and fire for control, given its strategic relevance to mobilize men and narcotics by Antioquia and the country.

Apart from the tense situation in this town of El Bagre, In its neighboring municipality of Segovia, the situation is also delicate.

In a rural area of ​​that Northeast municipality, two young people were allegedly kidnapped in the early hours of this Monday, June 24, according to the community. The events occurred in the Rancho Quemado village where, according to reports, Fidel Yesid Baldovino and Víctor Pulgarín Buitrago were taken from their house and a bar by the Clan del Golfo.

“They take young people from their homes, from their families and take them away, beating them and insulting them, towards an unknown path. A verification commission has searched for them, But they have not been able to find the whereabouts of the group or the boys, which is why they fear the worst.“said one of the complainants.

This double kidnapping in Segovia is added to another that occurred a little over a week ago, when in the village of Lejanías, on the border of Segovia and Remedios, The ELN would have kidnapped Juan Carlos Jiménez Moreno, treasurer of the Community Action Board, and Armando de Jesús Barroso Herazo, a resident of the area.

Also read: To prison alias La Mona for multiple crimes of kidnapping, torture, disappearance and murder in El Bagre, Antioquia

Governor in the area

Faced with these events and especially the most recent ones in Puerto López, the governor of Antioquia Andrés Julián Rendón traveled to the area in the company of the high command of the Police and the Army. as well as the secretary of security of the department, the secretary of Institutional Affairs, Peace and Non-Violence and the mayor of El Bagre.

The departmental leader announced to the inhabitants of the town that members of the Army and Police will continue to be present in the area to guarantee the security and tranquility of the population. He also asked for people to trust the authorities so as not to give in to pressure from illegal immigrants.

“In the midst of these very difficult circumstances, let’s get back to normal, let’s open businesses, let’s get back to work. The Army and the Police will be here to accompany them in routine life. They have, like few Colombians, a great value in their hearts to protect us and prosecute crime and delinquency,” added the governor.

The Government also announced that, through the Ministry of Security and Justicewill report these intimidations to the civilian population before the ceasefire verification mechanism.

Although the arrival of the governor and his announcements seek to give peace of mind to the population, For the Sumapaz Foundation, the presence of institutions would not completely guarantee security in the area. as a result of the defect of the Public Force that the Foundation points out.

Also read: 14-year-old skater boy was murdered in Caucasia, Antioquia

“There is an Army and a Police, but there is a strong weakness in the area of ​​intelligence on the part of the Force Public and about what needs to be done to protect the population. These strong voids are what allow this type of situation to occur from time to time in Puerto López and other areas of the department.“, commented from the entity that ensures Human Rights.

In fact, on this particular point, the same community has reported that in areas of the department such as Segovia, lIllegals set up checkpoints with which they control access to the trails, without until now anything has been done to clear them by the authorities.

All of these situations occur in the midst of the alleged rapprochements between the national government and the irregular groups that operate in Antioquia. and even the ceasefire with several of them as is currently happening between the government, the ELN and the dissidents.

In fact, last week the beginning of dialogues with the 18th and 36th fronts of the FARC Dissidents began, an event that Governor Rendón did not attend taking into account that so far this year The Government has reported 35 possible violations by illegal armed groups that are holding dialogues with the National Government in Antioquia, within the framework of the so-called Total Peace.

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