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Patricia Bullrich met with the federal judge about the Loan case and warned about the data leak

For him Loan casethe Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, met this Tuesday with the federal judge of Goya, Corrientes, Cristina Elizabeth Pozzer Penzo, and reaffirmed his “maximum collaboration” to find Danilo Peña Loanthe 5-year-old minor disappeared 12 days ago.

The former presidential candidate of Together for Change pointed out on her account on the social network the whereabouts of the little one.

In this sense, Bullrich mentioned that the national portfolio published the search, offered a reward of $5 million for anyone who provides any relevant information and that it collaborated, through the Federal Forces, with the Corrientes Police in the investigation it was carrying out for the Provincial justice.


In the Loan case, numerous resources have been deployed to find his whereabouts. But it has already been ruled out that it has been lost.

The priority is Loan Danilo Peña

For her part, the minister referred to the new cover in federal jurisdiction and said that “it allows direct intervention in the search” while highlighting that “The priority is to find Loan, as soon as possible, and arrest all those responsible.”

Later, in statements to the press, he assured: “We came to order the investigation and the search for evidence that will generate the consistency of this disappearance. It is a case that worries all Argentines. Let’s hope that it can reach a happy outcome.” .

“We have decided together that we are going to have a strategy to safeguard the confidentiality of the investigation”he maintained and added: “At this point, after 12 days of a first investigation by the provincial justice, every piece of information that is made public can endanger the situation.”

Bullrich considered that difficult days are coming and that there will be sanctions for those who spread information that could put Loan’s life at risk.

►YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: Loan Case: what were the hours before his disappearance like?

The detained commissioner has a previous complaint for sexual abuse

This Tuesday the attorney generalCesar Sotelo He held a press conference to provide more details to the cause and there he released information that was not known until now:Commissioner Walter Maciel has a previous complaint from 2019 for abuse.

Likewise, he was upset by how the case was carried out from the first day of the search: “The beginning of the investigation was abnormal, I would never have imagined that from a family environment and from someone who had to take care of us they had planted absolutely everything on us for this to be done wrong from the first moment.”

disappearance of loan.webp

Bullrich gave up traveling to Paraguay

Bullrich changed his agenda at the last minute and it has to do with the meeting he held this Monday with Nimio Cardosohead of the Anti-Kidnapping Department of the Paraguayan National Police and former Director of Intelligence of the Ministry of the Interior of that country.

Cardoso traveled exclusively to Argentina to meet with the national official for the Loan case.

After this meeting, Bullrich understood that for now it was not necessary to travel to Paraguay, so she moved to Goya, where the federal courts that are now investigating the case are located.

In the afternoon, the minister planned to meet with local police authorities in the neighbouring country, after she was able to access the judicial case. “It is a hypothesis that the boy is there,” said the head of the security portfolio.

Bullrich kept the president informed of the case Javier Milei, who returns from the Czech Republic, after the European tour he led.

Official sources indicated that Milei asked her minister to “put everything” to find Loan “as soon as possible”.

►YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN: The clue to an important transfer that one of those detained in the Loan case received


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