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It’s time for us all to have hope – DNA

(By Ariel Rivero*).- It seems appropriate to make some considerations about these first six months of President Javier Milei’s administration.

As I have said on several occasions, his arrival to the presidency of the Nation was the result of many years of mistakes in the actions of the political leadership that was incapable of carrying out the necessary self-criticism that society was crying out for and that was systematically ignored. and quiet.

That was the main reason that led us at Primero Río Negro to decide to bet heavily on this new figure that appeared to banish evils of so many years and propose to recover hopes, values ​​and illusions.

Obviously, strong measures had to be taken and consequences that, although they had been anticipated, were always painful. And despite the usual detractors and new ones who joined the systematic attack on those who dared to break with the status quo; things are moving forward.

Those who said he didn’t make it past April, who called him violent and deranged, should now recognize that the panorama is changing for the better, despite so many obstacles, and seriously begin to heal wounds, avoid confrontations, reach consensus and build the country and the province that we all want.

The first budget surplus has been achieved in the country in more than a decade, the deceleration of inflation, the reactivation of public works, international recognition and the increasingly closer possibility of approving the laws that allow it to launch its ambitious and necessary economic reform, cause an immense majority of society to maintain or increase its favorable expectations.

It is time for us all to have hope that the Argentine people do well and for that we need the president that the majority of those citizens have elected to do well. It is not only about a democratic duty, but about the certain possibility of getting out of years of corruption and bad and harmful economic policies.

From Primero Río Negro we will continue to accompany this process and prepare to begin to change the course in the province with all those who are willing to do so, building from consensus and dialogue, but with strength and determination, and ending with years of spurious, purely electoral agreements and harmful governments that have turned a rich province into a poor society.

The time has come to launch Río Negro, with seriousness, order, common sense, adequate planning and with the same determination and security of President Javier Milei.

*Former mayor of Campo Grande, president of the Primero Río Negro party.

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