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Against evasion: Buenos Aires and Córdoba will carry out joint inspection actions

With the aim of reducing tax evasion, the Collection Agency of the province of Buenos Aires and the Public Revenue Secretariat of Córdoba will coordinate strategies to improve the exchange of information and expand their inspection capacity through technological tools.

The central axes of this joint agenda were defined by the director of ARBA, Cristian Girard, and the Secretary of Public Revenue of Córdoba, Gerardo Pintucci, together with their respective work teams, during a meeting held in the city of Córdoba.

Among the main actions that will be launched, the following stand out: the territorial expansion of the so-called “Green Index”, an ARBA tool that allows estimating crop yields, item by item, throughout the Buenos Aires territory; the crossing of automated controls based on the exchange of tax information; as well as coordinated controls on routes on the circulation of merchandise in both jurisdictions, especially in bordering areas.

Cristian Girard, director of ARBA, stressed that “the commitment to Homogenize inspection criteria and carry out joint actions will allow us to make tax administration more transparent and efficient.”

He also considered that “strengthening oversight of key sectors will help reduce evasion and recover resources that are vital for our jurisdictions. Transparency, simplification and interjurisdictional coordination are necessary conditions to achieve a better distribution of the tax burden and, ultimately, a reduction in informality.”

Gerardo Pintucci, for his part, stated that “in a challenging economic context, the Ministry of Public Revenue has implemented different collection strategies, which adapt to different groups of taxpayers. Currently, massive inspections are carried out that group taxpayers with the same case, intensive inspections when an individual analysis is warranted, preventive inspections to detect deviations in a timely manner and define corrective actions, and in-person inspections to reinforce the presence of the organization in the territory. ”.

And he pointed out that “each of the actions is supported by the use of the databases that the organization has, arranged in a standardized information repository that allows exploitation with analysis and data science tools. This reinforces our commitment to tax equity, the modernization of the State and continuous improvement.”

The joint strategy includes as main tools:

Green Index: It is a technology that allows estimating the production and quality of crops using satellite images. Fiscal intelligence mechanisms: Exhaustive analysis of large volumes of data, using advanced techniques for cross-referencing information from various sources. This methodology understands data as a strategic partner of tax management and focuses on the interconnection of bases, both internal and external, which allows detecting patterns of behavior and tax evasion. Monitoring of the transportation of merchandise: The Tax Code will be used. Transfer Operations (COT), a system that improves the traceability of cargo transportation. The use of this tool, which has already been extended to several provinces, will allow greater efficiency in the monitoring and control of the flow of goods, improving the detection of evasion maneuvers.

In addition to sharing these technological developments, the provinces of Buenos Aires and Córdoba included, as part of their work agenda, the development of individualized inspections, which will focus on large companies. They will also implement specific information regimes and training actions. This is a work program that will involve the signing of specific collaboration agreements.

The intention is that this cooperation strategy serves as a model to extend it to other provinces, strengthening the fight against evasion through an integrated control network.

With these joint actions, Buenos Aires and Córdoba demonstrate their commitment to join efforts to improve tax equity and ensure that all taxpayers comply with their tax obligations, promoting a fairer distribution of resources.

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