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Search for Loan: “The priority is to find it and arrest those responsible,” said Patricia Bullrich in Corrientes

They are going 13 days of the search for Loan Danilo Peña. The minister of security, Patricia Bullrich traveled to Corrientes and met with the heads of the Federal Justice in the Corrientes city of Goya. Furthermore, he maintained that The priority is to find the child and arrest those responsible.

After meeting with the federal judge of Goya, Cristina Elizabeth Pozzer Penzo, The Minister of Security assured there will be sanctions for those who spread information that could put Loan’s life at risk.

In this sense, Bullrich stated: “We have decided among all that we are going to have a strategy to safeguard the confidentiality of the investigation. The priority is to find Loan and arrest all those responsible.”.

In addition, he stressed that he traveled to Corrientes to “order the investigation” and that the little boy’s case worries all Argentines. “Let’s hope the search can reach a happy ending.”he added.

For her part, the minister announced that “The case is about to go to the Federal Justice, As soon as this happens, the team accompanying the entire investigation will become the federal forces.”

With information from Argentine News


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