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A cleaner city, the enduring challenge in Las Tunas

Las Tunas.- A necessary strategy for sanitation, seeking to reduce solid waste in health areas and the various communities of this city, is carried out by the Communal Services Company of the municipality of Las Tunas in coordination with entities and organizations of the territory.

Miguel González Batista, director of Communals in the main municipality, told the Cuban News Agency that the actions are carried out every 15 days, with the immeasurable support also from the highest political and government authorities, in a process that involves various sectors of the economy and services.

The Logistics Business Group of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Construction and Assembly Company, the Agroforestry Company and the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources in Las Tunas, are some of the forces that contribute to the elimination of micro-landfills and the collection of waste. , not only with material resources but also human resources, added the manager.

During the previous weekend, more than 400 cubic meters of solid waste were collected and 35 micro-landfills were cleaned, also due to an increase in the workforce of forklift drivers, which now totals 93 after the readjustment of the payment method.

Although more than 150 workers are needed for these functions, the increase is considerable and even more so when there are only two collection cars and four tractors to transport the garbage to the dumps.

The creation of micro landfills in unauthorized spaces, with the fundamental role of the private sector, is inconceivable, since some of these actors throw cardboard and nylon boxes on corners or sidewalks and accumulate them there; It is a situation that arises and is analyzed for a solution as soon as possible, said González Batista.

Beyond the strategic system that exists today in terms of hygiene, Comunales establishes a collection plan every day in the areas with the greatest accumulations, as well as prioritized spaces in the city and the health complex, which includes the Mártires Pediatric hospitals. Las Tunas and Teaching General Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, on alternate days.

Authorities of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Government in Las Tunas insisted on the urgency of raising awareness among the population to transform, together, the image of the Balcón del Oriente Cubano.

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