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Milei trusts in the approval and focuses on the July 9 event in Tucumán

The official program would be to lead the parade in the City of Buenos Aires in the morning and at night to sign the “May Pact” in our province.

The Base Law seems on track to be approved by the Deputies, therefore, the president, Javier Milei, began to focus his gaze on the act of July 9 and the so-called “May Pact.” The President wants to sign the 10 points with the governors during the national day in Tucumán. He also plans to give them the medals of the “Order of May.”

The Government began to work on the preparations for an event that will be held on July 9 in Tucumán. Today he has several meetings on the agenda to move forward with the organization of the details.

The parade will be in Buenos Aires

In the Casa Rosada, the objective is to sign the 10 points that Milei offered to the governors at the opening of ordinary sessions and the validation of the May Council as the official body to lower the proposals into bills.

The official program would be to lead the Independence Day parade in the City of Buenos Aires in the morning and arrive to sign in Tucumán at night. For the parade, Milei asked the Minister of Defense, Luis Petria “large event” on Avenida del Libertador with a different aesthetic than previous years.

Government sources anticipated that there will not be a large set-up for the signing of the “May Pact” and that they will try to ensure that it does not intersect with a match of the Argentine team in the Copa América. The entire organization is in the hands of the general secretary of the Presidency, Karina Mileias reported by TN Noticias.

The members of the “May Council”

The signing of the pact in Tucumán will also include the validation of the “May Council” as the entity in charge of working on bills that represent the ten points to be signed. The Secretary of Strategic Planning, Maria Ibarzabalwrote the decree for its creation

This official body would be made up of a representative from various sectors: Nation, provinces, Deputies, Senate, unions, companies and civil associations. It is speculated that the person chosen from the Executive Branch will be the chief of staff, Guillermo Francos.

With allied governors

It was also revealed that the Casa Rosada is one of the headquarters options for the meetings that the ruling party is considering, but they clarified that they do not have an estimated date for the presentation of the projects. Invitations for the pact have not yet been issued and only governors who have collaborated with the parliamentary treatment of the Base Law will be invited.

In Congress, deputies will meet tomorrow to discuss the projects of the Base Law and the fiscal package. Meanwhile, the Government is analyzing including an education axis within the 10 reforms to be signed in Tucumán. Left out of the discussion would be a political reform that “modifies the current system and realigns the interests of the representatives and those represented.” This is the restructuring of the electoral system into one of single-member constituencies.

The issues included in the agreement

The rest of the points to be signed include the inviolability of private property, fiscal balance, the reduction of public spending around 25% of GDP and a tax reform that reduces tax pressure.

The bill also includes a re-discussion of federal tax sharing, a commitment by the provinces to advance in the exploitation of the country’s natural resources, opening up to international trade, a labor reform, and a pension reform that would allow people to subscribe to a private retirement system.

The Government highlighted that the call for the “May Pact” is tied to Thursday’s vote on the modifications to the Base Law and the fiscal package in the Chamber of Deputies. They set their sights on Profits and Personal Assets, which they managed to add again in the majority ruling.

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