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Blow to the pockets of those who have cars in Nariño; This will be the new price of gasoline and Acpm

Increase in gasoline and ACPM in Pasto and Nariño.

Through a statement, it was announced when the increase began and what the new cost of gasoline and ACPM is in Pasto and Nariño.

Pasto News

He Treasury and the Ministry of Mines and Energy have announced a new increase in the price of gasoline for the city of Pasto and, therefore, for the entire department of Nariño.

Article 1 of the decree establishes: «Set the maximum reference price for sale to the public of ordinary oxygenated motor gasoline that is distributed in the municipality of Pasto, at thirteen thousand six hundred and thirty-eight pesos ($13,638) M/Cte. per gallon”. This price will be applied to the fuel that is part of the maximum volume with tax benefits assigned to this municipality.

Furthermore, it is contemplated that this price may be readjusted in cases of modification in the current mix percentage or in the event of contingencies that affect the continuity of supply.

That is to say that from today June 26ththe price per gallon of ordinary oxygenated motor gasoline will be 13,638 pesosaccording to the new decree issued.

On the other hand, article 2 establishes the price of ACPM mixed with biofuel for use in diesel engines at 8,650 pesos per gallon.

As with gasoline, this price will apply to fuel distributed within the maximum volume with tax benefits. Price adjustments are also expected due to changes in the mixing percentage or contingency situations.

These new prices replace the previous rates of $13,601 for gasoline and $8,613 for ACPM.

For the other municipalities of the department of Nariño, article 3 of the resolution establishes that the reference prices must consider the components described in the current regulations and the costs associated with the transportation of fuel from the wholesale supply plant to the service stations.

Finally, article 5 establishes that the resolution, as mentioned, comes into effect today; June 26, 2024, repealing the previous resolution of April 10, 2024.

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