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less rain and more meteorological frosts in much of Chile

During the month of July 2024, the frequency of frontal systems would decrease in much of the country.

Reina Campos Caba 06/26/2024 10:06 5 min

As we approach the end of the first half of this year, which has been extremely eventful due to the intense rains in the central and southern areas of the country, our reference model from the European Center for Medium and Long-Term Forecasts (ECMWF) tells us the first trends of what could happen in Chile during July 2024.

For the seventh month of the year, they are projected negative anomalies for the meteorological variable precipitation, condition that would be considerable in the foothills sector that extends from the Coquimbo Region to the Maule Region. They join this scenario the regions of Ñuble, Biobío and Magallanes.

Precipitation anomaly (mm) projected for July 2024 in Chile. Above normal climatological values ​​(green tones), below normal climatological values ​​(brown tones) and around normal climatological values ​​(white).

What do these negative anomalies mean? That the amounts of rainfall would be lower than normal climatological values ​​and, therefore, the passage of frontal systems over the central-southern zone of Chile would decrease in frequency, compared to what was experienced during June 2024.

On the one hand, if this climate projection indicated by our reference model is fulfilled, It will be a “respite” for the regions which were strongly affected by the incessant rains of recent weeks.

City Amount of water fall (mm)
normal for july
Minimum temperature (°C)
normal for july
Maximum temperature (°C)
normal for july
Arica 0.5 14.6 18.2
Iquique 0.1 13.9 17.8
Calama 1 -0.4 21.1
Antofagasta 0.4 11.7 16.5
Easter Island 113.1 15.9 21.2
The Serena 17.1 7.4 15.4
89.3 7 fifteen
(Q. Normal)
50.4 3.8 15.7
Santo Domingo 74.7 5.3 14.9
Juan Fernandez 130.5 10.6 fifteen
Curico 102.7 3.5 12.3
Chillan 149.3 3.5 12.1
Conception 168.1 5.7 13.3
Valdivia 265 4 10.8
Osorno 162.2 3.2 10.7
Montt port 177.4 3.5 10.2
Coyhaique 118.7 -0.4 5.8
Balmaceda 65.2 -2.7 4.3
Punta Arenas 30.9 -0.7 4.2
Precipitation (mm) and extreme temperatures (°C) for some cities in Chile corresponding to the month of July, according to the 5th Normal (1991-2020). Source: Chilean Meteorological Directorate (DMC).

On the other side, there are regions that this forecast does not favor them, since the level of their reservoirs continues to present deplorable conditions, as is the case of the Coquimbo Region.

The only region that could present amounts of water fall slightly higher to normal climatological values ​​is the Los Lagos Region during July 2024.

In the northern area, The regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta and Atacama would present rainfall around normal climatological values, which are mainly associated with the drizzle generated by the stratus-type cloudiness that accompanies the coastal trough.

Meteorological frosts would increase their frequency in much of Chile during July 2024

From the northern gate of Chile to the Atacama Region, Our reference model projects air temperatures above normal climatological values, a meteorological condition that would be extremely noticeable in the foothills of the Antofagasta and Atacama regions.

Air temperature anomaly (°C) projected for July 2024 in Chile. Above normal climatological values ​​(red tones), below normal climatological values ​​(blue tones) and around normal climatological values ​​(gray).

The thermometers would register figures around climatological values normal between the regions of Coquimbo and Magallanes. In this direction, analyzing on a shorter time scale, the ECMWF model tells us that during the first half of July there would be meteorological frosts in this geographical section.

This atmospheric condition is associated to the displacement of high pressures with cold characteristics that, in addition to generating winter frosts, favor the increase in levels of polluting gases. Therefore, air quality would be affected, mainly in cities located in basins. where there is no good ventilation.

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