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This is the profile of the micro-entrepreneur from Paisa

If you are a microentrepreneur Antioquian, Its sales for the month are likely to be no more than $3 million.. Likewise, he/she does not have a fixed salary, he/she opens his/her business every day of the week and he/she has been working in this venture for more than five years, which, by the way, is a business.

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At least that’s how the Micro Company Survey shows it Antioch 2023, presented this week by the Center for Micro Business Studies (CEM), of the Medellín Chamber of Commerce. The report highlights that This type of company represents 89.8% of the business fabric in the departmentwhich shows its importance.

“By economic sectors, it was found that in Antioquia 36% belongs to commerce; 34%, to services; 17%, to agriculture; 11%, to manufacturing, and 3%, to construction. In the formal segment, the highest participation occurred in the services sector, with 43%, followed by commerce, with 42%. For the informal sector, the first place was occupied by the agricultural sector, with 32%, followed by commerce, with 29%,” it was described.

According to the report, Paisa women lead the way in terms of microbusiness ownership. That is how lead 58%, while men lead 42%. But not all of it is good news, because while in formal ventures the gender ratio is 50% – 50%, in informal ones they lead with 66%, against 34% for men.

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It is highlighted that most of the respondents (four out of ten) operate their business in a rented premisesMeanwhile, 37% do so in their own home, and a smaller proportion are those who have their own premises, a mobile stand or a fixed stand anchored to the floor.

Sales and employment

An interesting point has to do with sales and employment. The thing is 26% of Antioquia microentrepreneurs say they sell between $500,000 and $1 million a month, while 24% earn between $1 million and $3 million. Although this is the trend, it is worrying that 22% claim to sell less than $500 thousand.

The majority of entrepreneurs (60%) do not generate any employment, apart from their own; For its part, the remaining 40% is quite divided and led by those who generate one or two jobs. Furthermore, only 3% generate more than six jobs.

According to Juan Miguel Giraldo Ospina, CEM coordinator, “55% of entrepreneurs have coverage in the local market and only 3% in the international market, which represents a great opportunity for the development of new markets with the support of the different institutions.

Another relevant fact, the coordinator specified, “is that 35% of productive units use digital tools to interact and sellbut only 7% have a planned strategy, which is also an opportunity to start the digital transformation process that allows them to consolidate in the market.”

Based on these results, the CEM recommended “promoting relevant training according to the needs of each productive unit, developing strategies aimed at different sectors, promoting the development of partnerships and collaborative work, generating stimuli for job creation and facilitating access to new markets.”

Likewise, he suggested that microentrepreneurs be trained in administrative and accounting processes, that the implementation of digital strategies be encouraged and that access to credit be promoted in the department.

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