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They close the Bolombolo road again

10:33 AM

The month of June has been marked by intermittent closures of the via Bolombolo-Santa Fe de Antioquia due to multiple slides of rock material along the road. At 7:00 am this Wednesday, June 26, the Devimar concessionaire announced the total closure in the La Noque sector (PR 61+400), between Santa Fe de Antioquia and Bolombolo.

According to the Devimar team, the yellow machinery is already on site, working to remove the dislodged material. However, the work faces significant difficulties due to weather conditions, which makes it impossible to determine when the road can be reopened safely.

In this situation, The Transit and Transportation Section has recommended drivers use alternative routes such as the Santa Fe – Medellín – Caldas – Bolombolo road until passage through the affected road is restored. In addition, they call on travelers to take additional precautions and plan their trips considering these options to avoid setbacks.

However, this event has occurred multiple times in the last month, such as on June 15, when its total closure occurred at kilometer 55 of Route 25B02, Higuiná sector, once again enabling its passage through only one lane, last June 17.

The rains in Antioquia have left a number of 70,000 people affected to date, as confirmed by Carlos Ríos, director of the Administrative Department of Risk Management of Antioquia (Dagran), attending 214 emergencies in different municipalities and delivering their respective humanitarian aid to 1,564 families, however, added to these unfortunate figures, 7 people have died.


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