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Loan and “the ghosts” of the Pomar case

The declaration of “incompetence” of the prosecutors of the ordinary jurisdiction of the province of Corrientes, in its literal analysis, outside the legal term, seems a faithful reflection of reality. The fact is that the search for Loan, which has moved the country since “the earth swallowed him” last Thursday, June 13, has been completely stalled. Aside from the doubts, presumptions and indications that would exist about the six detainees, whose stories show severe inconsistencies, in those first days of development of the case, in “the hottest hours”, when the State’s response should have been another, nothing certain was reached.

The hypothesis that Loan had gotten lost in the woods or perhaps had suffered an accident was maintained for a few days until it was completely ruled out and the case of human trafficking moved forward.

However, now that the reins of the file are in the hands of a federal judge from the city of Goya, there is talk of starting over, of shuffling and giving again, even putting on the table the clues that had been left aside. .

In this instance, the Pomar case appears as a kind of “déjà vu”, of how poorly anything is investigated in Argentina.

As is known, in 2009, José Mármol’s family went on a trip to the city of Pergamino and for 24 days nothing more was known about them.

At that time, the whole range of possibilities was explored, even the most bizarre, such as a kidnapping or the massacre of a deranged father.

However, no one noticed that the four victims had been in an accident and their car, a red Fiat Duna Weekend, was a few meters from Route 31, covered by grass.

Everything was done so badly that, several years later, the courts accused two police officers of fabricating search reports, although they ended up acquitted.

Regarding the news of the cause of Loan’s disappearance, with more resources, human and technological materials, it is expected to advance faster and more efficiently, although, if it is confirmed that someone abducted the minor, it will be many days ahead.

The focus is on Paraguay, although there have already been operations in that country that have yielded negative results.

“They are all suspects,” several officials and protagonists of the case were heard saying. The truth is that not much is known about Loan’s whereabouts.

In this context of uncertainty, yesterday the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, raised the flag and said that there will be severe sanctions for those who leak data from the file. Will it have sensitive information? The country waits for Loan.

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