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“No to presenteeism”: the main teaching union of Neuquén goes on strike against the salary bonus for teachers who are not absent

Teachers grouped in the Association of Education Workers of that province (ATEN)

Finally, in an express procedure, the Neuquén Legislature yesterday approved the draft law that establishes a salary bonus for teachers for presenteeisman initiative rejected by the Association of Education Workers of that province (ATEN), which protested at the door of the legislative building and announced a 48-hour strike starting today under the slogan “No to absenteeism.”

The initiative was presented days ago by the provincial deputy of the Neuquén Popular Movement Claudio Dominguez. Among other things, it establishes a 10% salary bonus for teachers who have no more than three quarterly absences, with a maximum of two per month, and which are duly justified. Additionally, teachers must attend a minimum of training determined by the Provincial Council of Education in an Annual Teacher Training and Strengthening Plan. The project received 25 votes in favor and only 3 against.

From the beginning, the initiative was questioned by the ATEN, the majority union in the province, aligned with Ctera. Adding to that rejection was Sadop, the union that brings together private teachers.

Teachers gathered at the door of the Legislature to protest

Although the union had announced a strike for Wednesday and Thursday, the measure was brought forward to this afternoon since the Legislature decided to deal with the project expressly and it could be sanctioned today. The initiative obtained commission clearance this noon and was debated in the afternoon on the premises.

The discussion of the project began after 4 p.m. in the Legislature while a group of union members gathered on the outskirts to express their rejection. “Very They quickly dealt with an absolutely delicate issue, that directly affects our working and health conditions,” complained the general secretary of ATEN, Marcelo Guagliardoafter the project obtained a favorable opinion.

“From the doors of the Legislature, while the deputies discuss a project that seeks to adjust Neuquén teaching, we continue to stand in defense of our rights and public schools. We do not give up rights,” added Guagliardo in a video that he published on the union’s social networks.

In a press conference on Monday morning they expressed that they expected to be received by the deputies today, to explain their position and ask that the project not be discussed. “They want to restart a discussion that was settled, but Education workers are willing to fight,” the union members said yesterday.

Meanwhile, private education workers said that “it has to be presented in this plenary session of commissions as a regulation that will affect our work, it will not go through the education commission, it is illegitimate. If this project is sanctioned, it will become unconstitutional.”.

After the approval of the law, the union members confirmed the strike for 48 hours from today and announced a mobilization in the center of the provincial capital

Known as Incentive for Teacher Professional Developmenthas the objective of promoting educational improvement through the professionalization and continuous training of teachers.

In addition to Domínguez’s, the initiative bears the signature of the legislators Gabriel Alamo, Patricia Fernandez, Gerardo Gutierrez, Cielubi, Agustina Obreque, Juan Sepulveda, Carina Riccomini, Alberto Raúl Bruno and Guillermo Monzani.

Specifically, it proposes for teaching staff that “perform effective functions by teaching, directing, supervising, guiding and collaborating in teaching tasks within the provincial educational system” the quarterly payment of an additional amount of 10% of the salary corresponding to each position.

The rule establishes that the benefit will be applied to salary payments in March, June, September and December of each year, and whose amounts will also be considered for the calculation of the bonus.

Among the requirements to receive the Teacher Professional Development Incentive are that absences do not exceed three quarterly, with a limit of two monthly, duly justified and framed within the licensing regime.

Likewise, teachers must attend a minimum of training determined by the Provincial Education Council in an Annual Teacher Training and Strengthening Plan, “which will be established annually prior to the beginning of each school year.”.

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