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“The use of Kala and Dina allowed us to rule out other hypotheses and confirm that Loan had boarded one of the vehicles”

The province of Salta recognized the excellent participation of the dogs from the Forensic Odorology Division in the search for little Loan in Corrientes.

Kala and Dina, two highly trained dogs, discovered traces of the child in one of the trucks belonging to one of those arrested in the case. This finding allowed us to change the course of the investigation from the loss to human trafficking.

“Our dogs have high training and are the best nationally, that is why they were requested by my pair from Corrientes,” said the Minister of Security and Justice, Marcelo Domínguez, this morning during the recognition ceremony for the dogs in the Plaza. of Weapons of the Police Headquarters.

The Minister of Security of Corrientes himself was the one who requested the collaboration of the Odorology Division, recognizing the training of Salta dogs at the national level, added Domínguez.

“The use of Kala and Dina allowed us to rule out other hypotheses and confirm the clue that Loan had boarded one of the vehicles of the people who are detained today,” he noted.

“As a society, we all want Loan to appear, but we must recognize the work of our dog division and, specifically, our dogs, who were key to guiding the course of the investigation,” Domínguez emphasized.

The request

Days ago, the Province received a request for cooperation from the Corrientes authorities to send resources from the Canine Investigation Division of the Salta Police to search for Loan Peña, whose whereabouts have been unknown since last June 13.

The Minister of Security and Justice, Marcelo Ramon Dominguez, ordered the immediate sending of human and investigative resources with dogs. Specialists and instructors from the Canine Research Division traveled with Kala and Dina, animals certified and registered in Forensic Odorology.

It should be noted that Salta is renowned nationally and internationally for the training and training of dogs in the search for people and the application of scientific techniques of “Forensic Odorology” in the work of identifying molecular clues, an essential tool in an investigation.

13 days have passed

It has been 13 days since the 5-year-old boy was lost in a rural area of ​​the town of 9 de Julio. The six detainees are being investigated for the crime of trafficking.

The retired Navy ship captain is accused of the incident. Carlos perez and the former municipal official Maria Victoria Caillavaboth accused as Material co-authors of the acquisition for Loan exploitation purposes.

WhileAntonio Benitez and Monica del Carmen Millapi are charged as primary participants of that crime together with Daniel “Fierrito” Ramírez. The other of the detainees, the commissioner Walter Macielis accused of concealment by royal favor, qualified by the seriousness of the preceding crime and the author’s status as a public official.

The case is investigated by Federal Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo and the Office of the Prosecutor for Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Protex). Yesterday, the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, traveled to Goya to learn about the details of the investigation. The chief prosecutor said that “everyone” who was at the lunch before Loan’s disappearance “is a suspect.”

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