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Argentine mission to the FATF advances to prevent the country from falling on the gray list

A mission of Argentine representatives continues with its agenda of meetings at the meeting of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force)which is being carried out in Singapore, in which one of the objectives is for the country avoid entering the gray list as it relates to money laundering and terrorist financing.

The FATF holds bilateral meetings with different countries in order to demonstrate the progress made in response to all the legal reforms it has been carrying out: approval of the criminal offense of financing terrorism, new obligated subjects and different resolutions of the FIU.

The Financial Action Task Force is the G40 international organization made up of the most important countries in the world and international organizations such as OECD, World Bank, IMF, European Commission, United Nations. It seeks to strengthen national prevention systems regarding money laundering, terrorism, financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

It is a fundamental fact that Argentina since 2011, which could barely show in justice the modest sum of three convictions for money laundering, in the last visit on site The FATF survey of our country last March showed a total of 77 sentences for money laundering convictions and the same number of confiscations worth millions of pesos. All representatives of the federal justice system, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the UIF and the Central Bank participated in this meeting, which took place in Buenos Aires, at the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, and reported on the notable progress made by Argentina in terms of legislation and justice regarding money laundering and terrorist financing.

The objective of the meetings in Singapore points to the face-to-face meeting, which is an individual meeting of the evaluators at the FATF headquarters in Paris with Argentina in August at the Paris headquarters. It ends in October 2024 with the final approval of each country.

Argentina’s permanence in the G40 FATF world group is fundamental due to its relationship with international credit with the IMF and World Bank, international organizations such as the OECD and the United Nations and its global positioning in relation to world powers.

It should be taken into account, for example, that entering the gray list implies a reduction in the monetary supply in circulation by 7 points of GDP, as emerged from investigations by the IMF itself.

The Argentine delegation coordinated from Argentina by the Vice Minister of Justice, Sebastián Amerio, is in Singapore and is made up of Eugenio Curia (Justice), Ignacio Yacobucci (President of the Financial Information Unit, UIF), Mariano Borinsky (President of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation) , Silvina Rivarola (Central Bank of the Argentine Republic), Felipe Giménez Losano (Chancellery) and Mariana Currais (Director of International UIF).

Finally, it is highlighted that The Argentine delegation also met with the Director of Interpol, Jorge Fainstein, at the headquarters in Singapore, the largest international Criminal Police network, made up of 196 countries, which has 3 headquarters in Lyon, Buenos Aires and Singapore. Topics such as criminal intelligence analysis, cybercrime, financial crimes, money laundering, corruption, red alerts, freezing of assets, assistance and training, fundamental aspects in the fight against organized and transnational crime, will be discussed.


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