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A lost opportunity for dialogue and peace in Antioquia

Recently, Governor Andrés Julián Rendón rejected an invitation from the High Commissioner for Peace to participate in the National Dialogue Table between the Central General Staff (one of the FARC dissidents) and the National Government. Surprisingly, this refusal was not expressed through an official statement, but through a tweet on his X account, which suggests that his main intention seems to be to gain popularity on social networks, rather than to protect the population affected by violence.

The decision is a bad message to the mayors and various social organizations. These actors, who did participate in the meeting, expected the governor’s support in the face of the evident territorial control that illegal groups exercise in their subregions. The absence of the governor in this space not only weakens the representation of Antioquia in the Dialogue Table, but also shows a lack of commitment to the communities.

I have been critical of the Total Peace policy of the Petro government, which has demonstrated improvisation and has sent misleading messages. However, it is essential to differentiate between criticizing the policies of the national government and rejecting participation in a meeting that brings together civil society, mayors and government representatives. This was the ideal space for the governor to expose the critical public order situation, express his doubts about the peace policy and condemn his actions against the civilian population to the EMC.

The Sumapaz Foundation, which monitors the human rights situation throughout the department, has pointed out worrying sources of violence in Bajo Cauca and Northeast. In the Northern zone, the ceasefire has reduced violence, but the territorial control of illegals remains evident, with worrying cases of forced recruitment of minors. These problems cannot be ignored and require the active and committed intervention of all levels of government.

The EMC has a presence in municipalities such as Yarumal, Anorí, Campamento, Segovia, among others, and the governor’s refusal to participate in the National Dialogue Table represents a lost opportunity to advance peacebuilding. Their presence could have strengthened the voice of local communities and put pressure on them to find concrete solutions to the security crisis. It is unfortunate that personal and political interests get in the way of the well-being of the Antioquia population.

Peace is not an easy path or one free of controversy. It requires the joint effort of everyone. It is imperative that the governor reflect on his role and the responsibilities inherent in his office. The population of Antioquia deserves leaders who are willing to face challenges with courage and determination, who seek solutions through dialogue and cooperation, and who do not use violence as a means to gain notoriety. Only through sincere commitment and active participation in peace processes can we aspire to a future where violence is not our daily bread and where all Antioquians can live in tranquility and prosperity.

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