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“What a cold qualiau!”: the unusual viral of the frozen Cordoban collector

Was it polar? It was polar. He coldness of dawn this Wednesday He froze more than one in Córdoba, but not even a Hollywood director would have been encouraged to use so much creativity to write a script for a scene from a movie like these. three collectors who faced a freezing morning with great humor. And as the saying goes, the people of Córdoba don’t conquer the world because they don’t want to.

He driver Pepe (44) and his companions Maxi (26) and Joni (3. 4) They started their work day at 6:40 and around 8:00, when they were in the Nuestro Hogar II neighborhood, they recorded with their cell phones the consequences of the frost in the area’s open fields. The grass was white and hard, not even the wind could make it move. It was at that moment that Maxi had a brilliant idea and everyone joined in. Without a doubt they deserve the Oscars for best performance.

The video they shared The Twelve and You It is already viral on social networks. Because it was so cold, one of the workers who was hanging on the back of the truck did not respond to the driver’s call because had been “frozen”. After so much insistence they had to help him warm up so he could regain his composure. The performance was fantastic! and of course the Cordoba tune added points.

“What are you doing that these crazy people don’t get off?” Pepe asked as he got off the truck and headed to the back to look for his companions. “I don’t know what’s wrong with Joni, he was frozen. Come on Joni, come on, we’re done!”Maxi shouted as he saw his colleague frozen and without reaction.

“Hey, for a little bit of ice!” Pepe added. And seeing that Joni did not respond, Maxi approached him, gave him a hug and took him to the side. “Come on, hey! “Are you cold?” He asked him while trying to get him out of that “robotized state” and return him to his natural state. Until Joni finally reacted: “Oh, it’s cold as hell!”.

+ VIDEO: The incredible performance of the collectors in the face of the cold weather in Córdoba

In dialogue with, Maxi said that every morning they try to humor him even if the weather conditions are not favorable: “I was the one with the idea, I told the driver and with Joni they caught on.”

He revealed that Pepe, the driver who filmed the scene and who they trusted the least, immediately got on board with the idea and appeared in the first video. It was so spontaneous that they didn’t have to retake any shots. “We are still tempted”he said with a laugh as he remembered the moment.

Joni, who played the frozen man, revealed that with the sun that came out he managed to warm up his body a little. “Now we are hot because there is solace,” he said at noon when they had finished their work.

The two admitted that they laughed all morning and even their companions who tour other parts of the city were tempted when they saw the video.

+ SEE MORE: The gesture of a boy from Córdoba with the garbage collectors in the middle of the heat wave

This trio of colleagues have been together for a year collecting waste from the city of Córdoba. Pepe has been working as a driver for 25 years, while Maxi and Joni have been working as a driver for five and ten years, respectively. The two of them have to travel in the back and are the ones who suffer the most from inclement weather, since they are always outside and not sheltered in the cabin.

“No matter how hot or cold it is, we are always with a smile and greeting people, we have a good time in the back,” Joni said. And they assured that the neighbors, who already know them, always treat them with good vibes and in winter they come with thermoses of hot water.

“We had a good time every day”they expressed in unison from the other side of the phone and were still tempted by its great theatricalization.

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