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He broke a woman’s jaw by kicking her and hit her in the genital area.

Fernando Raúl Omar Agüero, a 39-year-old man from Salta, was arrested in a joint raid carried out by the Intelligence Department against Organized Crime of the Argentine Federal Police and the Buenos Aires Police in Parada Robles, Exaltación de la Cruz. Agüero was wanted for the crime of attempted femicide against his ex-partner, a 40-year-old woman who worked in a gym in the same town, where the attack occurred on May 30.

Fernando Raúl Omar Agüero, a 39-year-old man from Salta, was arrested in a joint raid carried out by the Intelligence Department against Organized Crime of the Argentine Federal Police and the Buenos Aires Police in Parada Robles, Exaltación de la Cruz. Agüero was wanted for the crime of attempted femicide against his ex-partner, a 40-year-old woman who worked in a gym in the same town, where the attack occurred on May 30.

The gym’s security cameras recorded the brutal attack. Agüero, hiding in the place, waited for her ex-partner and violently attacked her as soon as she entered. He hit her in the face, dragged her and kicked her even when she was already unconscious. He then dragged her behind her pillar, pulled down her pants and into her genital area, before taking her to a bathroom. Agüero then escaped with the victim. Unusually, he took her in a truck to her home.
The woman was then able to escape from the place, due to carelessness on the part of her ex-partner. Thus, a few hours later she arrived at the Women’s Police Station in Capilla del Señor. A medical examination revealed that Agüero had fractured his lower jaw by kicking him. Agüero’s home was raided within a few hours, but he had already escaped from the scene.

The investigation, headed by prosecutor Juan Manuel Esperante, initially focused on Salta, where Agüero is from. Activity on his cell phone was detected in a peripheral neighborhood of the capital of Salta, but new clues indicated that he had returned to Pilar. An attempt at telephone communication on June 16 allowed him to be located on Caracas Street, near where his cell phone had been detected.

Agüero was found renting a room in Parada Robles and was carrying a photo of his victim in his wallet at the time of his arrest. He now faces charges of attempted homicide qualified by treachery, connection and mediating gender violence, and will be investigated by prosecutor Esperante.

A violent relationship

During her relationship with the accused, which lasted nearly three years, the victim had suffered other acts of violence that she had never reported. For that reason, she decided to separate from her, but since she did not dare to tell her partner for fear of her reaction, she assured him that she would go away for a few days to take care of a sick friend.

As the days went by, as she did not return to the home they shared in Pilar, the accused showed up at the gym early in the morning on May 30, minutes before it opened, and waited for her hidden inside the place to attack her by treachery.


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