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First Eco Sustainable Marathon “Join the Green Wave” in Alto Comedero

The Municipality invites, next Saturday, June 29 at 8:30 a.m., the NIDO Ara San Juan, located in the 150 hectares of Alto Comedero, to participate in the first Eco Sustainable Marathon “Join the Green Wave”. This event, organized jointly with the Bonita Vecindad Association, is an initiative that fuses sport, environmental awareness and social action.

Selva Ramírez, representative of the Bonita Vecindad organization, highlighted the uniqueness of this event, “it is the first event in the province that combines the environment, sport and social action. It will take place on Saturday, June 29 at the Nido Ara San Juan; we will be registering participants starting at 8:30.”

One of the most outstanding characteristics of this marathon is the registration form, “what is new is that participants will be able to register by delivering recyclable material, whether bottles, cans, paper or cardboard and all of this will be donated to the children. of Secondary No. 54, for the making of his float,” explained Ramírez.

The event is designed for all ages, with categories from 9 to 30 years old, In addition to a participatory category with no age limit, the trophies and medals will be made with biodegradable materials, reaffirming the commitment to the environment, “we have designed this event with recycled elements, the trophies, the medals, taking care of the environment. Everything used, from the logistics to the call that there was to socialize this project with all the institutions thinking about this, taking care of the environment and leading to this new imprint of helping from the different sectors,” commented Ramírez.

The marathon will have the support of various areas of the Municipality, “already grateful because the Secretariat of Human Development is collaborating through the Sports Directorate, as well as the Secretariat of Planning and Environment,” said Ramírez.

In addition, attendees will be able to enjoy various complementary activities, and the neighborhood centers of 18 Hectares, Che Guevara and 30 Hectares have joined this cause, “it will have various activities, stands, a health post to take blood pressure, and there will be a Mobile Gym to enjoy two hours of movement; Neighborhood centers such as 18 Hectares, Che Guevara, 30 Hectares collaborate with us, an entire community that has come together for this activity, in a project that has the objective of socializing,” concluded Ramírez.

Audiovisual note:

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