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a frozen waterfall, roofs blown off, routes cut and classes suspended

The extreme cold that Patagonia is experiencing is worrying. To the livestock sector for the death of hundreds of animals that were trapped by the accumulation of snow, and to society in general because daily activities were altered.

The strong winds in Bariloche provoked blowing up roofs, light poles. Also the suspension of classes in the morning shift this Wednesday, as reported by the School Council. The same thing happens in Neuquenwhere the 15° below zero hit hard. So much so that La Fragua del Norte waterfall was half completely frozen.

The image of the frozen waterfall is shocking. It is an imposing waterfall that naturally offers an impressive spectacle to those who approach it. Now, that jump located four kilometers from Manzano Amargo, is petrified. The episode was reminiscent of the one that went viral in the last few hours in Tierra del Fuego, where the sea waves froze.

During the early hours of this Wednesday, Bariloche experienced extreme cold. It had wind gusts of just over 90 kilometers per hour and an intense and thick snow fell, especially in the south and west of the southern tourist city.

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a Orange alert due to strong winds and more snow for the Neuquén area and part of Río Negro. And a yellow alert due to strong winds in Chubut and snow in Santa Cruz. For tomorrow, the weather conditions will change little, but there will be a slight improvement. Especially for the provinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz where there is no weather warning.

The waterfall completely frozen after the extreme cold during Tuesday night. Photo: Courtesy of Martín Muñoz / Diario Río Negro

Meanwhile, from Roads they ask to avoid traffic on routes. After the orange alert issued by the SMN, provincial roads asked the population to avoid driving in the central area and mountain range of Neuquén.

As reported by the site The Neuqué Morningn, provincial route 46, in the Zapala section, Campamento DPV, they warned that it is impassable with zero visibility due to white wind. Regarding the central and mountain area, they indicated that due to the weather alert in force, “users are requested to avoid traveling until weather conditions improve.”


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Route 21 is also added in the El Hueú, Mandolegue and El Cholar section, which is impassable due to accumulation of snow and reduced visibility due to white wind. Crews are operating to clear the route, but for the moment that passage is closed. The same occurs with Route 40, which remains closed in the Siete Lagos area and the Pino Hachado and Cardenal Samoré passes due to snow accumulation.

Concern in the livestock sector

Livestock producers are extremely concerned about the heavy snowfalls and the accumulation of snow in several Patagonian sectors. In Santa Cruz is the largest focus, where some producers warn of an incalculable loss of sheep and cattle. As anticipated, there are more than 40,000 cattle that were trapped in one area due to snow, and almost a million sheep that are in the same situation are in danger.

Sheep under snow, the postcards that producers from the southern area of ​​Chubut spread and went viral on the networks.

The Argentine Association of Hereford Breeders warned through a statement and with several sample videos about producers who are forced to move livestock, making way in the middle of the snow.

According to the newspaper The Chubut, from Argentine Rural Confederations (CRA) issued a statement warning about the crisis, pointing out that extreme snowfall prevents grazing and access to food for animals.

“We are entering a desperate phase. The intense snowfalls force the cattle to move in search of forage, but there are sectors with animals trapped where we cannot reach,” admitted Enrique Jamieson, president of the Federation of Agricultural Institutions of Santa Cruz (FIAS). ), in conversation with the local media.

Sebastián Jamieson, who manages the Tapi-Aike Ranch and Cabin, located on National Route 40, south of El Calafate, also admitted in a conversation with Clarion that the situation is distressing: “Our hours are numbered. If I don’t access the ranch in a week, they will all die,” he warned. And he added: “We have 400 Hereford mothers and 8,000 sheep 30 kilometers away and there is no way we can get there.”

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