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Supply of materials, challenge in the reconstruction of the Zaza del Medio railway station (+photos) – Escambray

On the subject, Eduardo Rodríguez Dávila, Minister of Transport, refers in a new approach on his social profile on Facebook to the repair works that are being undertaken at the railway station in that town in Sancti Spiritus.

Construction work began on the Zaza del Medio railway station on June 4. (Photos: Naturaleza Secreta ).

A Desafío communication team was recently in several provinces in the center and east of the country. The Zaza del Medio railway station was one of their stops. There they waited in the building, visibly affected by the passage of time and unfinished construction work, some workers and residents of the facility.

The clouds and drizzle made the visuals of a terminal in ruins seem sadder? A neighbor saw them arrive, detoured her route slightly and said out loud, so that everyone who could hear her: “the day the season ends, this town will have a party, and I’m going to get drunk.”

«I am from Zaza. The station is the entrance to the town, one sees it like that and thinks it is a town in ruins. It is a heritage thing, it is going to be 115 years old, which it represents for the railway… this was one of the most important stations in Sancti Spíritus,” said another resident.

«Today some people came to tell me: hey, I’m very happy that they are going to fix the terminal. And I responded: you are the 9,000th inhabitant who has said that to me. If the season ends… it’s going to be a phenomenon,” another person who was waiting there intervened.

On Tuesday, June 4, construction work began at the Zaza del Medio railway station in Taguasco, Sancti Spíritus. We announced it. Desafío was documenting and interviewing the executors, workers and residents.

This site, founded on July 19, 1909, is the main local heritage of the town, one of the oldest railway complexes in the province, and a fundamental enclave for the commercial life and transportation of its inhabitants.

With a project from the Architecture and Engineering Projects Company (EMPAI) of Sancti Spíritus, approved by the Provincial Heritage Office, in charge of monitoring fidelity to the original structure and the heritage value of the work, its complete recovery and remodeling.

The agreed delivery date is March 13, 2025, if everything goes well. The challenge is to guarantee a stable supply of materials for its reconstruction. The first tasks carried out are demolition.

Despite the impact of the years, and the accelerated deterioration in the last five, due to its structure being exposed to the elements, it still has heritage pieces: the troughs that fed the steam engines, the water tank, the bridge, and the french roof This terminal is part of the memory of the Zaceño people, witnesses of the founding of the town, as many of its residents have made it clear through the media and our visit there.

The team’s stay generated some experiences that we will share in future publications.

(Taken from the Facebook profile of the Minister of Transportation of Cuba)

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