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Celebration of the Sea Festival in Santa Marta, sporting and cultural events

Yesanta marta prepares to celebrate Sea Festival from July 24. At 12 midnight, the city will light up with fireworks, songs, music and thousands of people taking part in the inauguration dawn.

The largest drum in the world, 8000 women dancing in unison, diversity of gastronomic offer, sporting events, photography contests in the Sierra Nevada, a film festival at sea and concerts with the presence of renowned artists such as Silvestre Dangond, are some of the things that can be expected during this great festivity.

This tribute to the region will commemorate the 499 years old Santa Marta, making it the oldest city in Colombia. It will be an “opener” for what they have planned for 2025.

The management of the Festival is led by the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor’s Office.

Photo:Ivy Larrarte Alarcón / EL TIEMPO

The events will be completely free and open to the general public. TOSome require prior registration through online formsIf you are interested, you can check out the official pages and social networks.

According to the District Secretary of Culture of Santa Marta, Darío Linero Mejía, the search is being made for position the city as a tourist, cultural and environmental destination. Highlighting its natural, culinary, historical and geographical wealth.

“Two and a half hours away you have the Guajira desert, an hour and a half away you have 108 beaches, the magic of Aracataca and García Márquez; like several emblematic towns in the country, even Barranquilla is just there. That makes it a a place with a unique worldview“, Linero mentions in an interview with EL TIEMPO.

Sea Festival.

Photo:Courtesy of Fiesta del Mar Communications

National Reign of the Sea

The National Reign of the Sea is a competition in which Candidates from all over Colombia face each other in a series of tests and parades. The winner is named ‘captain’, assumes the role of marine conservation ambassador and receives financial compensation.

Unlike other beauty pageants, the National Queen of the Sea does not focus on evaluating the physical attributes of the participants. In contrast, he prioritizes his skills in water sports, their knowledge of marine life and dedication to environmental conservation.

Instead of having a crown, you are rewarded with the “Kepi”, which is a cap normally worn by soldiers in the military forces.

Captain of the Sea, Daniela Restrepo and Ana Sofía Alvarado, Ambassador of the 500 years.

Photo:Ivy Larrarte Alarcón / EL TIEMPO

Daniela Restrepo Henao is the current National Captain of the Sea; He represented Santa Marta in the 2023 competition. Since then he has participated in the management of events for the cultural activation of the city.

It is a celebration of the people for the people

It will take part in several of the activities of the current edition and above all, it will award the “Quepis” to this year’s winner. Thus, she will symbolically pass the title to the next Colombian marine leader.

Within the framework of this competition, the garment takes on a deeper meaning. For Daniela, the current carrier “It represents all that recognition with the care of the environment, sports and culture. […] Well, the national captain must know how to ski, kayak and have swimming skills.”

During her candidacy, the young Samaria was able to share with other girls from non-coastal departments. However, she noticed their great effort to train in these nautical disciplines and her passion for the sport.

Water sports at the Fiesta del Mar.

Photo:Courtesy of Fiesta del Mar Communications

Origin of the Sea Festival

Santa Marta has always been a city rich in culture, traditions and natural beauty. Furthermore, it has never lacked people with the desire to make it grow and improve. Such was the case of Pepe Alzamora, the founder of the Fiestas del Mar.

In the company of several regional athletes, they created a celebration in honor of the territory. To enhance the potential of the coast, they decided to focus a festival on nautical sports. Initially, The main discipline of the event was water skiing.



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