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What do the rapprochements with the Dominican Republic consist of?

Photos | Courtesy of Manizales Mayor’s Office | HOMELAND

The ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Félix Aracena Vargas (right of the photo), received the Keys to the City from the mayor of Manizales, Jorge Eduardo Rojas (left). He knows the reasons for the diplomat’s visit and the symbolic act.


He ambassador of the Dominican Republic in Colombia, Felix Aracena Vargasarrived this Tuesday (June 25) at Manizales to talk business and left with the Keys to the City.

The visit of Aracena Vargas was marked by two moments: the meeting with businessmen at the headquarters of the ICT and Competitiveness Secretariatin it Los Yarumos Ecoparkand the dialogue with the mayor of Manizales, Jorge Eduardo Rojas Giraldoat the headquarters of the Town hall.

The one from the Dominican Republic was the sixteenth diplomatic delegation that visited Manizales in 2024.

Learn more: Mayor of Manizales will meet with the ambassador of the Dominican Republic, what will they talk about?

Business trip

During his stay in the Caldense capital, the diplomat spoke with about 50 businessmen, union leaders and academics in the ICT Secretariat.

There, the Dominican introduced him to trade manizaleeño the opportunities that the market of the Caribbean country offers them.

The intention of this meeting was to attract investment to Manizales and promote trade with the Dominican Republic. The approach is part of a series of strategic activities of the Administration.

Acquired commitments

“The conversation with the mayor, Jorge Eduardo, was very pleasant. Depending on the new niches he has in his portfolio, such as the case of tourism and events, we can help you a lot. Manizales has a topographical configuration very similar to the second tourism niche in the Dominican Republic: that of adventure and mountain“said the ambassador at the end of his meeting at the Mayor’s Office.

To symbolize Manizales’ commitment to the international relations and new opportunities collaborationMayor Rojas gave him the Keys to the City to the diplomat.

Aracena also celebrated the offer that the universities of the capital of Caldas make to the students of his country, since there are 70 university scholarships open to Dominicansin virtual and in-person modalities.

Keep reading: Antioquia opens a door to Caldas to export across the Atlantic Ocean.

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