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Chubut Police officers were trained in regulations related to the sale and marketing of merchandise

Continuing with the guidelines given by the governor of Chubut, Ignacio “Nacho” Torres, regarding the importance of promoting the training of public servants, police personnel from across the province received training in legislation and supervision in the sale and marketing of different types of merchandise.

In a joint effort between the Ministries of Security and Justice and Production, members of the police force participated in a day in Trelew in which they were instructed on current regulations and control procedures for street vendors, businesses outside the municipal ejido, establishments of livestock fruit collections and shearing companies among other areas.

The activity, which took place in the Hall of the Trelew Chamber of Industry and Commerce, was attended by the Undersecretary of Security, Claudio Fernández, and the Director of Domestic Trade, Roberto Quiroga. The day was led by Carina Díaz and Marcia Flores, both from the Ministry of Production, and had the collaboration of the Assistance and Training Directorate of the Ministry of Security and Justice.

In addition, the Justices of the Peace, Alberto Martínez, from Telsen, participated; David Reginao, from Paso de Indios and Evaristo Méndez, from the Florentino Ameghino Dam; as well as conventional police personnel from Las Plumas, Paso de Indios, Florentino Ameghino Dam, Puerto Madryn, Trelew, 28 de Julio, Gaiman, Dolavon, Rawson and Playa Unión; together with the Dog Divisions of Puerto Madryn and Trelew, the Mounted Police of Rawson and Trelew and the GRIM Puerto Madryn and Bethesda, who were given the printed material certification with the regulations taught.


These actions are intended to train the Chubut Police in the regulations and in all the characteristics linked to the collection of livestock products, shearing companies, street vendors and businesses outside the municipal ejido, among other aspects related to the matter.

These instances explain the steps in which the certificate that authorizes companies in the areas in which the Directorate of Domestic Trade is the enforcement authority is requested. For example, the data in the certificates and provisions of the natural or legal persons, the authorization number in the registry, year and expiration of the authorization, signatures of the competent authorities, among other specific points, are verified.

In the cases of businesses that are located outside the municipal ejido, the certificate and enabling provision that are governed by decree 1302/2006 are also requested.

In turn, the Chubut Police request the certificate and the enabling provision, proof of current provincial tax laws and the legitimate documentation of the merchandise (invoice or tickets) from street vendors.

For its part, in the collection places that include barracks, refrigerators, slaughterhouses and transportation; requests the certificate and disposition issued by the Directorate of Internal Trade and proof/certificate authorized by SENASA such as the DTE, DUT, transport guides for the transfer of property and acquisition certificate. In all guides, the signatures of the Chubut Police and the justice of the peace of the jurisdiction are required.

Collectors must also use the remittances to load the guides issued by the Peace Courts and police stations. Three copies are issued that are addressed to the recipient, to the DCI and to the sender-collector.

In shearing services, the certificate and disposition issued by the Directorate of Domestic Trade is required along with the health record and the personnel documentation consisting of the ‘Early Registration’ (Sworn Declaration of the OSPRERA Social Work) and the total coverage in accident-death cases.

This type of training aims to update the action mechanisms that allow improving joint work between both organizations in all these contexts.

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