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one by one, the new gasoline prices

It was expected that after noon the other oil companies, such as Raizen, Axion and Puma, would join in to adjust prices.

Fuel – Increase -YPF (3).JPG

The Road Tax was agreed to increase by 4.5% of the net value of a liter of fuel. That is, without national taxes. Parking lot owners will have 2% of the total sales for a day left.

However, the final raw prices require other calculations and are approximately 30 pesos per liter of gasoline. Even the neighbors who went to get fuel this Wednesday morning caught their attention.

The new prices in the YPF

Now, how were the gasoline prices in Neuquén? The boards changed this morning and a liter of super gasoline at a YPF in Neuquén costs 825 pesos, 30 more than a few hours ago. That is, a 3.77% increase.

While for the Infinia, which was at 986 pesos, went to 1023 with the increase in the Road Rate, which implies 3.75%. The Infinia Diesel was at 1,225 pesos and went to 1,269, with an increase of 3.59%. In this case the increase was 44 pesos.

The Diesel 500 segment was at 1,018 pesos and went to 1,069 with the increase in the new municipal tax. That’s 51 pesos more and a 5% increase.


Road Tax. The blackboard with the new gasoline values ​​in YPF.

“That’s what we always said, that We operators had no influence in modifying prices at the pumps and we depended on the companies to make this transfer. YPF has already implemented it in Neuquén capital and Cutral Co, and the liter is between 30 and 44 pesos,” he said in radio statements. Marcelo Pirripresident of the Chamber of Fuel Distributors of Río Negro and Neuquén.

Road Tax: What happens in Cipoletti?

In Plottier, it is still in the regulation stage and could be applied in a few more days, while in the town of Cipoletti, in Río Negro, the Municipality reported that there is no rush yet to apply the rate.

The Infinia, which was at 986 pesos, went to 1,023 with the increase in the Road Tax, which implies 3.75%. The Infinia Diesel was at 1,225 pesos and went to 1,269, with an increase of 3.59%. In this case the increase was 44 pesos.

This situation of price difference that could be generated between Neuquén and Cipolletti, given the hypothesis of loading gasoline in cheaper locations. Many got the idea of cross the bridgebut the accounts are not so kind to think about great savings.

In Cipolletti, which is an appendix of the capital of Neuquén in terms of road connections, the Road Tax would not yet be applied. This is for the moment. Despite the short distance from Neuquén capital, there is another dynamic in political issues. The mayor Rodrigo Buteler He assured that the priority lies in the new tender for public transportation, whose project is not yet ready. And he assured that the city must, first, re-award the service that Pehuenche currently provides – without a contract – and then establish the financing mechanism.

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