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Cuba evokes declaration of irrevocable character of socialism (+Posts)

On the platform itself, the Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), Roberto Morales, distinguished that in 2002, after a broad process of popular participation and the signature of millions of Cubans, the ANPP approved the Law of Constitutional Reform that proclaimed the irrevocable nature of socialism”, and added the hashtag #EstaEsLaRevolución.

The voters voted in favor of the socialist content of the Magna Carta, in response to the interventionist manifestations of the then president of the United States, George W. Bush (2001-2009).

Later, during one of the sessions of the 5th legislature, the members of the island’s highest legislative body unanimously approved the incorporation of an article into the 1976 Constitution, in which it would be declared that the island would never return to capitalism.

The text clearly expressed the irrevocable nature of the prevailing political, economic and social system, as well as the prohibition of negotiating under pressure, coercion or threat from a foreign power.

Following the approval of the Cuban Parliament’s agreement, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, said that the purpose of this action was to preserve the fruits of the revolutionary work at a time when the inviability of capitalism to solve the most pressing problems of humanity was increasingly evident.

In 2019, the Caribbean nation approved a new Constitution, the fourth article of which ratifies the irrevocable nature of socialism in Cuba and declares that the island is a Socialist State of Law, taking this concept to a higher legal level.



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