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Formosa strengthens sports in the province and prepares for the first edition of the Formosan Evita Games

After the national government announced a 70% cut for the traditional Evita Games, which included that, from now on, Transportation, hotel and food expenses must be met by the provinces, the Government of Formosa announced a special edition in the province. In that way, yen coincidence with the 69th anniversary of the Provincialization of Formosa, This Friday, June 28, the first edition of the Evita Formoseños Games will be launched at the Centenario Stadium starting at 7 p.m.

The Secretary of Sports and Community Recreation, Mario Romayhe highlighted in statements to the portal Agenfor the great expectation that exists. He stated that Not only the sports and political leadership, but also the athletes and the community in general are excited about this eventsince Governor Insfrán has always been attentive to the demands of the people of Formosa, including sports. Romay mentioned: “Not only in us, but in the entire sports and political leadership of the province, in addition to the athletes who know that the Governor is always attentive to the demand of the people of Formosa and sport is not immune to this”.

In this sense, the secretary expects a Centenario Stadium full of actors, athletes, parents, families and leaders for the launch of these games, which represent a direct response to recent national decisions. He pointed: “We expect a Centenario Stadium filled with all the actors, athletes, parents, families and leaders, for the launch of our games, exactly in contrast to the national approach.”.

It is worth remembering that The National Government decided to withdraw support for the Evita National Games, created in 1948 during the first presidency of Juan Domingo Perón, which were fundamental for Argentine sporting development, as well as for social inclusion and cultural promotion.First, it was suggested that the name of the games be changed to distance them from Peronism, and then a reduced version was proposed, cutting disciplines and categories, which would affect thousands of young athletes.

The secretary commented, after the announcement that the Evita Games would not be held at the national level, Governor Insfrán made the decision to create the Evita Formoseños Games. This decision was announced during the opening of the women’s soccer Friendship Tournament in Pozo del Tigre. From that moment on, the panorama changed positively, with great interest from the community in the organization and launch of the games. Romay recalled: “Governor Insfrán, in Pozo del Tigre, announced the political decision to hold the Evita Formoseños Games”. Furthermore, he mentioned that “Everyone was calling to ask when we were starting, when the launch was, what categories were going to be played, so Friday will be the day, just when we celebrate our anniversary of Provincialization, so the call will be full”.

Romay stressed that the province of Formosa will put special emphasis on not leaving any boy, girl or adolescent out of the opportunity to compete and represent their school, neighborhood or town. The Evita Formoseños Games will include more than 42 disciplinesin addition to six disciplines for older adults and adapted sports, seeking to promote inclusion and integration.

“We will launch this Friday and starting Monday of next week the entire registration stage for the different sports will begin. In some places the local stage will begin to be played and the first two weeks after the July holidays will continue with the local bodies, and then move on to the provincial ones until October 25, which is what we have set up as a fixture.”concluded the secretary.

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