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They abuse blockades to protest

La Guajira faces a crisis that threatens to weaken its fragile economy and social fabric. Unfulfilled promises and rampant corruption have impeded the sustainable development of the department, and now, to make matters worse, social protest has become fashionable, abusing road blockades as a method of pressure. This situation has generated dissatisfaction in all social sectors of the department, seeing that their lives and the local economy are being seriously affected. The data is conclusive: until June 13, 2024, 93 blockades have been carried out, an increase of 102% compared to 2023.

Road blockades, in principle, are a legitimate demonstration by citizens to demand solutions to problems. However, some so-called leaders have perverted this procedure, using it for personal gain under the guise of social justice. That is why it is crucial that citizens and social organizations demand responsible and ethical behavior from their leaders.

There is no doubt that there are apostles of social demands; But some voracious, insatiable leaders have also been identified, whose bellies are never full and who take advantage of the slightest opportunity to obtain personal benefit from the people’s demands. Behind the banners and burning tires, some leaders emerge as ambiguous figures. Supposed defenders of the cause, but also hidden beneficiaries who take advantage of the situation to obtain personal advantages, while people suffer the consequences.

It is imperative that a clear distinction be made between legitimate protests and the actions of those seeking to take advantage of the situation. True social leaders must raise their voices against these abuses and work together with the authorities and all the actors involved to find solutions that benefit everyone and not just a few. We must also listen to the voices of those who suffer the consequences of the protest and look for real solutions.

The practice of blockades not only hinders people’s mobility, but also has devastating economic repercussions. A study by the Riohacha Chamber of Commerce concludes that the paralysis of trade and the impact on coal exports, which in turn affects royalty transfers, aggravate the situation of poverty and lack of opportunities. Economic losses in the first half of 2024 amount to more than $7.6 billion. The impact on tourism is equally significant, with million-dollar losses reported by tour operators, who see the image of La Guajira as a safe destination deteriorate.

The discontent of the social sectors of La Guajira is understandable, but road blockades, when they become a tool of blackmail, lose legitimacy and only generate more problems. Investment in infrastructure, education and health is essential to improve the quality of life without resorting to extreme measures that affect everyone.

The current situation is a wake-up call for the entire country to not allow the abuse of protest by turning it into the norm. It is time for true social leaders to take the reins and guide the community towards more constructive and less harmful forms of protest. Only in this way can we move towards a more just and equitable society, where the legitimate demands of the population are heard and met without resorting to violence.

The discontent of the social sectors of La Guajira is a reflection of the desperation and abandonment suffered for many years. However, the abuse of blocking roads as a method of protest only aggravates the situation, harming the community as a whole and, as in a game of mirrors, the sovereign demonstration becomes a double-edged sword. Protest can be both an ally and an enemy. May the struggle not become abuse, and may dialogue be the path to a more just future.

La Guajira deserves a better future, and it is everyone’s responsibility to build it with strong and autonomous institutions, capable of facing the challenges that the current economic and social situation presents to us.

And as the philosopher from La Junta said: “I’ll leave it there…”

*Certified Public Accountant

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