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They call for the III Virtual Ibero-American Exhibition of Visual Arts

Photo: Taken from the archive of journalist Erian Peña.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 30th edition of the Ibero-American Culture Festival this year, the Provincial Art Center and the Casa de Iberoamérica de Holguín call for the III Virtual Ibero-American Exhibition of Visual Arts 2024, which will take place in October.

This third edition will be dedicated to Ibero-American cultural diversity and seeks to encourage the participation of Cuban and foreign artists in all disciplines of the visual arts within the framework of the Ibero-American Culture Festival.

Those interested in participating must send their works in JPG format at 300 dpi or 300 per inch, mp4 videos at 800 x 420 megapixels and volumetric pieces with several views that highlight the characteristics of the works, all accompanied by a technical sheet that includes Detailed information about each piece. In the case of installation, performative or video creation works, these must be accompanied by a synopsis or theoretical foundation.

A team of specialists from the Provincial Art Center will be in charge of selecting the works that will be part of the exhibition and the list of selected works will be announced one month before the event.

A prize will be awarded that will consist of the possibility of participating in the 31st edition of the Festival with a personal exhibition as a guest, covering participation expenses except air tickets for artists not residing in Cuba. The winning artist must present an exhibition project to the organizers.

The deadline for admission of works expires on August 1 of this year and interested parties may send their proposals to the emails This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view well as through WhatsApp numbers +53 52183814 and +53 58395232.

Author: Editorial now!



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