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Jones Huala began a dry hunger strike amid uncertainty over the end of his sentence

The Argentine Mapuche leader, born in Barilocheand leader of the Mapuche Ancestral Resistance of Chile, Francisco Jones Huala, began a indefinite dry hunger strike inside the Temuco prison, in the La Araucanía region.

It should be remembered that Jones Huala is currently fulfilling part of a conviction for an arson attack registered in 2013 inside a farm in the commune of Río Buenoin the Rivers region.

This measure was born since his legal defense indicates that his sentence ended this Wednesday, Therefore, he had to be released immediately as stated in the rulings of both the Chilean and Argentine courts.reported the site

There are no details from the Chilean Justice regarding when Jones Huala will regain his freedommeanwhile today one of his Argentine lawyers, Gustavo Frasquetconfirmed to RÍO NEGRO newspaper that the Mapuche leader is still imprisoned in Temuco.

Given the lack of details, the substitute judge of Bariloche, Gustavo Villanueva asked the Argentine Foreign Ministry to request a report from Chile on the situation.

Why was Facundo Jones Huala convicted in Chile?

Jones Huala was sentenced in December 2018 by the Oral Criminal Court of Valdivia to 6 years of prison for the crime of arson of an inhabited dwelling (without victims) and 3 years for illegal possession of weapons. He served much of his sentence in Temuco prison and in January 2022 he was granted conditional release, which was revoked days later, but he did not return to prison and was declared in rebellion.

He was a fugitive for a year and on January 30, 2023 he was arrested in the Rio Negro city of El Bolsón and remained imprisoned in Esquel until his extradition, which took effect on January 5 of this year.


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