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Cash Deficit: “We reject that those who must pay the adjustment are retirees”

“The Entre Ríos pension system has a deficit. In a national context of fierce, cyclical adjustment in the country. We repudiate that those who must pay the adjustment of this deficit are the retirees who contributed in years, age and between 16 and 19% of their salaries, depending on the crisis that affected them,” they stated from the Entre Ríos Retirees Autoconvocados space.

And they went on to say: “When the water gathers on the roof, it will not take long for it to collapse. This is what makes politics irresponsible. Letting problems accumulate waiting for a future solution or for the problems to explode on others; In short, accumulating debts.”

“The provincial government issued the decree that establishes an additional contribution of assets and liabilities until reaching the common age, of the special regimes. In recent years the deficit of the pension system has increased. We have pointed out more than once where the funds should come from and clean up the deficit. The lack of updating of federal funds corresponding to the fund as compensation, as well as in another time, the resignation of co-participation to support ANSES, before the creation of the AFJP, when they had already been liquidated by the national state,” they added.

And they pointed out: “We will not go into many examples of deficits and sharing problems, but it has been a constant in governments. Such is the case of Entre Ríos, Córdoba and Santa Fe, to point out the Central Region. Although with diverse attitudes, according to needs and political alignment, with enormous deficits in the pension system, due to non-shared funds. Today all with demands to the Federal State, although Entre Ríos recently joined.”

“It turns out, and this is modified depending on who governs, that those who placed hope in Alberto in 2019 with an adjustment law that swept away retirement assets and did not update compensation funds are the champions of the claim of these times. They are also part of the same irresponsible, prevendary and electoral politics. We repudiate the partisan political use of retirees’ demands, depending on who governs. We repudiate the use of representative positions, without formulating claims or putting pressure, becoming accomplices,” they closed.

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