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They arrested the general who led the uprising, who suggested that everything had been organized by Luis Arce

Wed. 06/26/2024-18:12

“The army mainly, the Navy, the Air Force are mobilized. We are listening to the cry of the people because for many years an elite has taken charge of the country, owners of the State, vandals are in the different structures of the state, destroying the homeland Look at what crisis they have left us in,” exclaimed the soldier.

“The Armed Forces intend to destructure democracy, to make it a true democracy, not of a few, of some owners who have been ruining the country for 30, 40 years. A request that I have received and that we are going to fulfill is the immediate release of all the political prisoners. We are going to free absolutely all political prisoners. From Camacho, from Añez, the generals, the lieutenant colonels, the majors…”, he launched.

“That is the request of the Armed Forces, of the foot soldier that we are going to fulfill. We want to reestablish democracy. Enough of the fact that a few have taken over. Look where they have taken us. The people have no future and the army does not lack balls to ensure the tomorrow of our children,” Zuñiga remarked.

“The request of the military units, of the Armed Forces, is that we soon recover, release absolutely all political prisoners. From Camacho, Añez, colonels, generals, coronal lieutenants, majors and captains who are political prisoners. How long have you been in prison? politics Evo Morales, Carlos Meza, those from here in Congress? Is that democracy? They use the humility and poverty of the people of the rural area,” the general remarked.


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