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The Entre Ríos official who caused the accident in which 4 people died will be investigated for homicide: the expertise complicated it

The car in which Ruiz Orrico was traveling

One week after the accident in the route 39they will investigate culpable homicide to the official Between rivers who was involved in the accident in which four young people died. The change of cover occurred after the tests carried out at the scene confirmed that he was the one who crossed lanes, a maneuver that had a fatal outcome.

This is the director of the Port Institute of Entre Rios, Juan Ruiz Orriconow displaced from office— who in the early morning of June 20 was returning from a private party aboard a VW Passat, an official vehicle. At kilometer 223 of the provincial route, near Homemadecollided head-on with a Corsicanin which four young people were traveling who were going to work at a meat processing plant in the area. All died. The victims were identified as Leandro Almada, from Rosario del Tala; Lucas and Brian Izaguirre, both from Basavilbaso; and Axel Rossi, also from Basavilbaso.

According to the information that the local media was able to access The eleventhe preliminary result of the tests carried out at the scene showed that the VW Passat was the one that crossed lanes, causing the fatal accident.

Although the final expert report remains, prosecutor Eduardo Santo considered that he has the necessary evidence to change the cover of the investigation to “culpable homicide”. This new title in the file is in line with the intentions of the lawyer for the young people’s family, Mario Acursin. At the same time, he also contemplates initiating a civil lawsuit against the official and the State, since he used an official vehicle.

Juan Ruiz Orrico, with Rogelio Frigerio

However, the prosecutor hopes to have all the results of the blood tests and criminalistics reports to be able to move forward with the indictment of Ruiz Orrico. Meanwhile, the man is admitted to a sanatorium in Buenos Aires after he was transferred from the Justo José de Urquiza Hospital in Concepción del Uruguaywhere he remained hospitalized in intensive care due to his multiple bruises and a fracture in his upper limb.

Although he cannot be questioned due to his condition, he is lucid and breathing on his own.

The update in the case comes hours after the governor of Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigeriowill remove Ruiz Orrico from office, until his situation is resolved in Justice.

“The Government of Entre Ríos informs that, by common agreement with Juan Ruiz Orrico, it has been decided that he will not continue to serve as president of the Port Institute of the Province,” reported Frigerio’s management.

In parallel, the State Prosecutor’s Office, through its Property Investigation Division, began an internal investigation to determine the damage caused to the Public administration. First is the destruction of the Passat. Secondly, the possible civil liability for damages that the displaced official could have caused due to his possible irregular conduct.

This is how the Chevrolet Corsa in which the victims were traveling was left

In the corridors of the Government House, meanwhile, they do not fail to point out that the suspended official was driving an official vehicle that was assigned to him for his position in the early morning of a holiday. And that he was returning from a private party, something that has no connection with public management.

Ruiz Orrico is a rural leader linked to the Rural Society. He was a three-time candidate for mayor of Concepción del Uruguay, the fifth largest city in Entre Ríos. At the first opportunity, he joined Eduardo Duhalde’s ticket in 2011. In the next two (2015 and 2019) he competed for the PRO. In all of them he lost.

He is in a relationship with Judge Evangelina Bruzzo, a member of the Concordia Criminal Cassation Chamber, with jurisdiction in the center-east of Entre Ríos. The circumstance is not minor. The first prosecutor who intervened, María Occhi, apologized for her friendship with Bruzzo. The investigation then passed into the hands of Eduardo Santos.

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