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July arrives and fuel prices increase or not in San Juan?

In the midst of rumors about a new fuel increase in the country, from the Chamber of Dispensers of the province of San Juan They are cautious. So far, there are no definitions regarding a new increase in July. In any case, it is presumed that it will be, due to the Tax onLiquid Fuels (ICL) who decided to update the National government, as well as the Carbon Dioxide Tax (IDC). With this panorama, an increase in gasoline and diesel is expected 10%, approximately.

“We still don’t have anything defined. If there is any scheduled increase, for the moment We don’t know how much it will be“, assigned to Zonda Diary the president of the Chamber of Fuel Distributors in Saint John, Miguel Caruso. In this framework, he explained that the previous month an increase in the internal tax was already applied and “there would be one pending.”

We have not defined what type of increase there will be

Caruso explains that to define prices, other factors must also be taken into account, such as the value of the dollar, the price of barrel internationally, which increased this Tuesday, but then trended downward.

Although there are still no official definitions, it is estimated that there may be an increase in gasoline in the order of eleven%, which would take it to a value of $112 more than the current price and diesel a little less, in the order of 10%.

National context

The increase in Liquid Fuel Taxes and Carbon Dioxide Taxes were promoted by the national Government, in order to increase tax revenues. In this way, according to Infobae, they foresee the sum of collection equivalent to 0.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), approximately 3,000 million dollars, representing the 10% of the fiscal adjustment that the president Javier Milei has planned for this year.

The Ministry of Economy and the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP) They are working on a scheme to divide the impact of these increases over several months, with the aim of avoiding an abrupt effect on inflation and at the same time sustaining tax collection. The strategy seeks to balance the need to increase tax revenue without exacerbating inflationary pressures.

If an 11% increase in gasoline is applied, this is how the prices would be in San Juan

Super Gasoline: from $1,022 to $1,134
Infinia Gasoline: from $1,250 to $1,387

In case 10% is applied to diesel

Diesel 500: from $1,086.75 to $1,195
Infinia Diesel: of $1,288.50 $1,417

It should be noted that, as Miguel Caruso of the Chamber of Retailers states, they are only price estimates based on data released at the national level. “There is still nothing defined,” he highlighted to Zonda Diario.

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