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Anonymous names of the capital of Neuquén

It was always said that the promoters of converting the old Confluencia area into the new capital of the Territory of Neuquén They were the then governor Carlos Bouquet Roldán and the Minister of the Interior of President Julio Argentino Roca.

But there is a story, perhaps less known, among the historical archives, that reveals other surnames that already in 1901 thought: “This is destined for a big town.” One of those surnames was Olmos.
This is Governor Lisandro Olmos, that on a “spring day in 1901, the governor met Casimiro Gómez in the meager hamlet at the confluence of the Neuquén and the Limay and they imagined the emergence of a prosperous city,” according to a report published by the web portal masneuqué a few days ago.

Almost in parallel, and without detracting from the merit of Bouquet Roldán, there were others before the arrival of the railroad who “took advantage of this territory.” One of them was Remigio Lupo, who arrived on the banks of the Negro River as Customs Administrator and at that time he published news in a newspaper of the time that would be a “first” today.

“Julio A. Roca has telegraphed the president asking him to suspend the sale of these lands in order to found colonies on them, that in a short time they would prosper until they became great towns, emporiums of wealth,” the letter said. They were the antecedents of what would come later.


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