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Deputies once again discuss the controversial Tierra del Fuego regime, but the K would not give the votes

In addition to Profits and Personal propertyDeputies will seek to insist this Thursday with the original wording of a third article of the Fiscal Package: 111, known as tax expenditure, which forces the Executive Branch to review special regimes, such as Land of FireBut the Senate eliminated it with a two-thirds majority and the Lower House needs to reach the same majority to reinstate it. It is impossible without Union for the Homeland.

The article, specifically, obliges the Executive to review tax expenditures and within a period of 60 days send to Congress a proposal to cut exemptionssuch as the industrial promotion regime of Tierra del Fuego, and thus increase resources by up to 2 points of GDP.

The truth is that there are about 40 special regimes in total and they represent more than 4 points of GDP. However, the issue of electronics in Tierra del Fuego has been the most discussed in recent months.

“I tell you, ‘comrades’, whether there is two-thirds will depend on whether you vote in favor,” the Civic Coalition deputy chicane during the debate in committees, Juan Manuel Lopezone of the main promoters of this article along with Nicolas Massot of We Make Federal Coalition. Also If they abstain en masse they could make a difference.

Deputies Máximo Kirchner, Carlos Heller and Germán Martínez. Photo: Emmanuel Fernández.

López even pressured them by reminding them that the former president Cristina Kirchner had referred to the beneficiaries of these systems as the “luxury gliders.” “They don’t even listen to Cristina Kirchner,” he shot.

But in Unión por la Patria they already voted against the article last time and say they will maintain that same position. This was stated at their block meeting this Wednesday.

They present two arguments. On the one hand, they say that they cannot give Javier Milei the power to cut two points of GDP on his own, but in addition, they refuse to accompany what they call a “whim” of the Civic Coalition and the We Make That Drive block. Miguel Angel Pichetto.

The truth is that article 111 is crossed by interests and suspicions. In Deputies it was approved the first time by 141 votes in favor and 81 against. He was accompanied by the entire benches of La Libertad Avanza, the PRO, the UCR and federal blocks.

However in the Senate, those same benches were in favor of the negative without having announced a change of position or having made criticisms during the debate in committee.

The article was voted separately and it had only 7 votes in affirmative: Guadalupe Tagliaferri (PRO), Alejandra Vigo, Carlos Espínola and Edgardo Kueider (Federal Unit), Juan Carlos Romero and Andrea Marcela Cristina (Cambio Federal) and Lucila Crexell (Neuquén Community).

Others 64 senators present voted against and Luis Judge was absent. It was a public defense of the Tierra del Fuego regime with a sufficient majority to shield it from Deputies. In the Senate, where the numbers were more than fair, the vote of the Fuegian radical Pablo Blanco in other articles was decisive.

Lobby and votes

But due to the forcefulness of the number in the opposition, they point out that it had to do with the lobbies of electronic product assembly companies – the owner is Nicolás Caputo, cousin of the current Minister of Economy – based in Tierra del Fuego.

Now, with the issue returning to Deputies, the libertarians and the PRO did not want to insist, arguing that they would not reach two-thirds, but the dialogueists from the Pichetto bloc and the Coalition asked that it be included.yes or yes, so that it is clear who would vote against.

Furthermore, it has to do with the claim that they have been making to the Government for months about the quality of the adjustment that they are carrying out, where the thread is cut at the thinnest, such as Profits and retirees, and these benefits are not touched.

From La Libertad Avanza they assured that they will repeat their original decision in the lower house and will vote affirmatively. With them, plus the PRO, the UCR and the federal blocks also do not reach the 172 votes needed to reach two thirds. Without the UxP bench, impossible.

The truth is that if the ruling party and the PRO confirmed that they voted against it, as was speculated, UP could have accompanied the article against the Government together with the radicals and federals. But otherwise, they refuse to vote with the ruling party. They will state that they want tax expenditures to be discussed but to do so through the Budget.

In turn, the ruling party, which really does not want this article to be approved, He assures that he will vote in favor because he knows that without UxP they will not reach the number.

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