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Gastronomy has a great challenge for the summer – Escambray

Alexis Lorente Jiménez, governor of the province, highlighted. Actions related to the change of image, the quality of services and the diversification of offers in all units make up the sector’s agenda in greeting to July 26

Famous units of the province, such as El Criollo, are gradually recovering. (Photo: Facebook).

Three great challenges face the Commerce and Gastronomy sector in the province: the beginning and development of summer, the festivities for July 26 and the accountability of the Business Group before the National Assembly of People’s Power.

This was reiterated by Alexis Lorente Jiménez, governor of Sancti Spíritus, during a recent exchange with sector managers where he indicated evaluating the operation of the pizzerias, the coppelia and the rest of the units that make up the sector, for what they mean in the recreational complement. and benefits aimed at families. Meanwhile, he gave the example of the Delio Luna Echemendía Agricultural and Industrial Fair, which, due to its characteristics and possibilities of concentrating all services, must ensure that they multiply.

The Sicilia pizzeria, in Sancti Spíritus, reopened its doors with a new image and comfort.

Summer – Alexis Lorente assured – is for all age groups, reason enough for seniors who access gastronomic, recreational or accommodation facilities to have a differentiated program in the summer period. In that sense, he highlighted that the territory works to guarantee some resources in state centers, in order to improve the quality of offers, even when there is the complement of the self-employed worker with their various options.

“This summer the people of Sancti Spiritus feel guaranteed in the reduction of prices,” he said, “and at the same time have the possibility of using the different payment gateways so that they can enjoy and access any of the services. Likewise, he gave the example of the two gastronomic facilities located on the National Highway, which have to be an example because it is through the look, the good image, the quality of the service and the offer that the visitor from any part of the island measures the results of this sector in Sancti Spíritus.”

Lorente Jiménez highlighted the stability and acceptance achieved in La Aurora’s smoothies; However, he spoke of units such as El Pinto, which was once a reference for its elaborations, as well as some facilities in the beach area, the 12 Plantas of Sancti Spíritus, the Casa del Perro and the Mar y Cielo Complex, which closes a complement around the Fair, which require better operation because of what they mean for the people who visit them.

For his part, Ariel Fernández Martín, director of the Business Group for Commerce and Gastronomy in Sancti Spíritus, explained that, as part of the movement related to the Moncada anniversary, more than 40 wineries will receive construction and image change actions. In this regard, he reported that the program includes the Olivos I, II and III Supermarkets, as well as the one on Camino de La Habana, the unit on Camino de las Cañas and other establishments in the provincial capital.

Fernández Martín clarified that this movement includes matters related to the quality of services, mainly in cafeterias, points of sale or restaurants, which is why they are working on the acquisition of work utensils and tableware that allow improvements in customer service. He also spoke about the guarantee of some basic products, such as wheat flour, which at the Ministry level is assigned to promote the sale of food prepared during the summer, especially in the pizzeria network.

“We know that there are criteria related to the decrease in offers in some establishments, since in the vast majority the products enter through self-management, but an improvement is expected in order to increase the offer and for this, contracts are made with a group of suppliers that will ensure assortments destined for playground units and other areas, as well as the variants put into practice to guarantee the coppelia ice cream,” Fernández Martín reiterated.

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