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Etecsa Forum in Las Tunas, an event to encourage creativity and seek solutions

Las Tunas.- The edition of the 2024 Science and Technology Forum linked to innovation and communications of the Territorial Division of Etecsa in Las Tunas is an event that responds to the main needs of the sector with the purpose of providing an excellent service.

With the participation of 62 works, the commissions evaluated the authors of the presentations that contribute to the technological, organizational and management development of the entity, but above all that show the talent of that workforce to provide solutions to the main shortcomings of the entity. company in the territory.

Numerous proposals were presented for the improvement in the technological management and direction of the company, in transportation, and of interest to the population such as the transfermobile and the implementation of the QR code, according to Antonio Reyes Borges, specialists in science, technology and innovation in the Territorial Division of Las Tunas.

«In the face of the current shortage, we encourage this aspect of creating, because – as many say – solutions grow in crises. After developing the grassroots events in all the union sections of the municipalities, we arrived at the provincial event with very good results, above all, because they become methodological tools to provide a superior service and contribute to decision making, in the growth in “business management and the improvement of customer service.”

With greater participation this year, the event also aims to improve the quality of the works to be presented at the national forum. Nelson Reyes González, director of the Territorial Division of Etecsa in the province, said that this edition gives continuity to the work of previous stages.

» Last year we presented 26 works to the national forum, of which five were relevant, one of greatest impact and nine outstanding and some mentions. Today our company needs innovation and science to solve many problems that the country has; “We must look for new ways to solve technical and, sometimes, non-technical difficulties that contribute to the better availability of resources.”

With the premise that innovation is not a luxury, but a necessity, Nelson Reyes highlighted that in the face of resource scarcity, recovery work is essential.

«Thanks to the innovative ideas of our workers we have been able to give useful life to disused equipment; That is putting science in function of our daily work. An example of this is that we are doing an outdoor plant layout in the town of Veguita, which did not appear in the planning, and with the resource recovered throughout the year, new services will emerge, which will allow the installation of telephones. landlines, and expand cellular coverage a little.

As a continuous and systematic process, this moment is a space to socialize the work of the union, stimulate daily work and highlight the relevant presentations that will participate in the national event.

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