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They would not resume classes after the winter holidays in Neuquén due to presenteeism

The general secretary of the teachers’ union, ATEN, Marcelo Guagliardo, assured that pThey could not return to classes after the winter holidays, as a form of rejection of the in-person law voted by a large majority on Tuesday in the Legislature.

The union concludes today the 48-hour strike it ordered after the express treatment of the project that established an additional fee for those who do not exceed three quarterly absences, with a limit of two per month, duly justified and included in the licensing regime.

This “plus” does not imply discounts but is established as an “incentive” to reduce absenteeism in schools.

However, during the debate in committees, which It was carried out in a single day, no data was provided on the magnitude of this problem (number of substitutions, reasons, etc.).

The provincial government, which It did not promote the initiative but guaranteed its approval, it must now regulate the law.

The payment of the bonus will be quarterly and will begin to be received in September. It represents 15% of the position assignment or teaching hours. The calculation is that it will range from $120,000 to $280,000.

On Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd there will be assemblies in all the sections of the province and On Wednesday the 3rd the plenary session will define force measures.

Given the proximity of the holidays – which will begin on July 8 – The union will evaluate whether to affect the restart.

Guagliardo expressed his astonishment at the speed of the treatment of the issue and the opening of a conflict, that it was not on the agenda and that he believed closed with the salary negotiation in March.

It is not the first time that the province imposes presenteeism. He already did it in the late ’80s and early ’90s.

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