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Severe thermal stress, a tourist walk through Córdoba in summer

Córdoba, (EFE).- August 2023 was the hottest month in the historical series where Córdoba recorded the highest temperature in Andalusia and suffered 16 days of heat wave, so a tourist walk through the historic center of the capital On those days it generates “severe thermal stress.”

Researchers from the University of Córdoba have developed an experimental evaluation of outdoor thermal comfort in a typical Cordoban tourist itinerary lasting three hours through the historic center of Córdoba. Which is what has come to the conclusion of “severe thermal stress”.

The results showed “extremely high” levels of thermal stress in all bioclimatic indices. “These are those that allow us to estimate the thermal stress suffered by a person based on different environmental parameters,” explained one of the authors of the study, Professor Manuel Ruiz de Adana, in a statement.

The reality of thermometers

Thus, in that walk through the Ribera area, Puente Romano, Mezquita, Alcázar and Calahorra between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. carried out on a normal summer day -July 6, 2023-, a day with heat wave -June 28-. And a day with greater heat intensity, called ‘super heat wave’ – August 10 – very severe thermal stress values ​​were recorded for the first. And extremes for the seconds.

Severe thermal stress, a tourist walk through Córdoba in summer. A woman cools off in one of the fountains in the Patio de Los Naranjos, in Córdoba. EFE/Rafa Alcaide

“Taking into account that thermometers experience a more limited reality than humans,” different bioclimatic indices were used to understand the reality of the human body on these walks.

Among them, the Universal Thermal Climate Index. Which is the most complete because “it adjusts very well to the thermoregulatory mechanism of an average person,” said Ruiz de Adana.

The researchers used a moving measuring pole. Which simulated the person taking that tourist walk through the center of Cordoba, capable of registering a complete set of climatic variables.

During the journey, environmental conditions such as radiant temperature and ambient temperature were measured. In addition to air speed and relative humidity at three different heights: ankles, abdomen and head.

The thermal comfort limit at 26 degrees

These measurements yielded Universal Thermal Climate Index values ​​of 43º.9ºC for the ‘normal’ summer day. Another 45.6ºC in the context of a heat wave and 48.8ºC during the ‘super heat wave’.

Severe thermal stress, a tourist walk through Córdoba in summer. A woman fans herself due to the high temperatures in Córdoba. EFE/Halls

As a reference, the thermal comfort limit on the Universal Thermal Climate Index scale is 26ºC. Taking into account that a person must maintain a body temperature between 36ºC and 38ºC, these data show that “for an average person there are serious associated risks and danger due to heat stroke in these conditions” stressed Ruiz de Adana.

These results “highlight the need to carry out interventions.” To improve the urban environment and promote greater outdoor thermal comfort for city dwellers. Through measures such as green infrastructure or shading that also mitigate the ‘heat island’ effect. EFE

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