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Earnings: since when will it be paid if it is approved this Thursday and what will be the basis for Neuquén, Río Negro and Patagonia

This Thursday The debate on the Base Law and the fiscal chapter will begin in the Chamber of Deputieswhere a reform of the Income Tax scheme will be sought. If approved, When will payments be made? What will be the basis for Neuquén, Río Negro and Patagonia?

He The Senate rejected the reversal of the Income Tax within the fiscal package with 41 votes against and 31 in favor. Now the ruling party seeks to reverse this situation in the Chamber of Deputies with one point in its sights: the fate that may occur the replacement of the fourth category of Income Tax.

The only possibility that exists to refloat Profits is to insist on the version of Deputies which did not even include the benefit of a 22% increase in the non-taxable minimum for workers from Patagonian provinces.

If approved, the implementation of the reform would be rapid. “The provisions of this title will come into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette,” they established in article 91.

That is to say, If it is approved this Thursday and published on Friday (last business day of the month) in the next Official Gazette, it would come into force in the month of July.. In the event that the session is extended or it cannot happen this week and a vote is taken in the first days of July, its application – if approved – should be postponed until August for legal certainty.

The earnings reform establishes that employees who earn a gross salary of $1,800,000 in the case of single people and $2,300,000 million pesos in the case of married people, and again allows deductions for family members, domestic workers, life insurance and medical expenses.

The tax they must pay It will be the surplus between the non-taxable minimum and the gross salary they receive with a progressive scale between 9% and 35%, although the cap will only apply to salaries above 36%.

In the case of Personal Assets, rates are reduced and the the Non-Taxable Minimum of 27 to 100 million pesos, cIt is believed that these reductions serve as an incentive for money laundering that will be approved with the reforms introduced by the Senate.

Income Tax in Deputies: who would pay in Neuquén, Río Negro and Patagonia

If Deputies ratify the Senate’s intention and do not approve the changes proposed by the ruling party, the current floor for the payment of Profits will be maintained, much higher than the one proposed by the Government: $3,514,725 for a single person without children, that is, 15 minimum wages, indicated El Cronista.

It is worth remembering that in Patagonia, which includes Neuquén and Río Negrothere is a differential for the Patagonian area that increases the number by 22%, so the current floor for our region is $4,217,670. This includes the inhabitants of Chubut, La Pampa, Río Negro, Santa Cruz, Neuquén and Tierra del Fuego.

Milei’s project, which was rejected in the Senate, At first I didn’t consider it Although it later transpired that he had agreed to the request of the Patagonian governors of raise the tax base in your proposal to 22%in exchange for the favorable vote of the region’s senators.

Another key point that appeared in the opinion of the Deputies is the ratification of the DNU by which it was defined that the salaries that are equivalent to 15 minimum salaries between October 1 and December 31since this measure must be adopted by law so that workers do not suffer the discounts of that resolution.

In the project sanctioned in September 2023, approved in the Government of Alberto Fernández at the request of the then presidential candidate Sergio Massa, which is still being applied, The fiscal impact was estimated to be 0.83 of GDP (almost 3 billion pesos).

On the other hand, in the project designed by the Government for 2024 it was estimated that it reduces the fiscal impact of the Income Tax at 0.5 of GDP and in the text approved by Deputies at 0.43 of GDPas reported by the National Congressional Budget Office.

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