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The 1st Edition of the French Film Festival stays in Tucumán until June 30

The screenings open to the public will take place at the INCAA Spaces in the provincial capital. The activity started yesterday with the film “Fifí” and will end with “Smoking causes cough.”

The 1st Edition of the French Film Festival will stay in Tucumán until Sunday, June 30. This is an activity organized by the local Alliance Française in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Cultural Body of the province, to which the French Embassy, ​​the French Institute of Argentina and the IFcinéma platform added their support. The activities, which began yesterday with the screening of the film “Fifí”, will take place at the INCAA Spaces (Orestes Caviglia and Hynes O’Connor rooms) located at 251 San Martín Street (San Miguel de Tucumán).

The festival features a diverse lineup including recent films and documentaries about love, youth, mental health, and dystopian futures. In addition, there will be special performances scheduled for students from schools in the capital. All screenings will have free admission and are aimed at a wide audience.

The schedule

“Fifí”, the inaugural film, tells the story of Sophie, a 15-year-old teenager known as “Fifí”, who tries to escape her chaotic family environment and hides in a friend’s empty house during the summer. However, she discovers that her friend’s older brother has also decided to stay at her house, which sets off a series of unexpected events.

On Friday, June 28 at the Hynes O’Connor Hall, at 9 p.m., “Winter in Paris” (“Le lycéen”) will be seen. The film tells the story of the life of Lucas, a young man who must face the sudden loss of his father, and the struggle to find a place in the world while he goes through the pain and confusion of adolescence. This film addresses themes of grief, identity, and personal growth.

On Saturday, June 29, “En el Adamant” (“Sur l’Adamant”) will be presented at the Hynes O’Connor Hall, at 9 p.m. It is a documentary focused on a floating therapeutic center in Paris, known as L’Adamant. The film records the lives of its patients and caregivers; and living with mental illness, and the search for normality in a unique and compassionate environment.

Sunday, June 30, is the last day of the festival. In the Orestes Caviglia Hall, at 8 p.m., “Smoking causes cough” (“Fumer fait tousser”) will be screened. It is an unrealistic comedy that follows a group of superheroes called Tobacco Force, who must face an unusual enemy. The film combines absurd humor with a social critique of consumer habits and their effects on health.

For more information about the screenings and other events related to the festival, you can visit the Ente Cultural de Tucumán website or follow updates on Instagram @culturadetucuman.


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