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Peruvian was part of the mutiny in a maximum security prison in Chile: ‘Tren de Aragua’, ‘Los Gallegos’ and ‘Los Pulpos’ joined

The Aragua Train hitman known as “Satanás” was one of the inmates who started the revolt on June 5. There were 3 inmates and 12 gendarmes injured

In the Special High Security Penitentiary Facility (Repas), located in Santiagocapital of Chile, an attempt was made to riot in which members of several international criminal organizations collaborated, such as the ‘Aragua Train‘, ‘Galician‘and the Peruvian’The New Generation Octopuses‘.

The prison authorities managed to contain the ongoing uprising, after the last June 6, after a huge brawl. This caused 12 of them were injured, and three inmates were injured.

According to a report from the Chilean Judiciary, the revolt was commanded by Hernán Landaeta Garlottiaka the ‘Satan‘, who would have emerged as a new leader among the inmates.

He is a feared Venezuelan hitman of the ‘Aragua Train’. Thanks to the images captured by the prison’s security cameras, it can be seen that He instigates his companions to destroy a ping-pong table to use its metal structure as bladed weapons.

“The defendants involved were mainly Venezuelan nationals linked to criminal organizations,” said the judge of the First Guarantee Court of Santiago, Fernando Guzmán.

Mutiny in maximum security prison in Chile.

As Guzmán indicated, the majority of individuals who were deprived of their liberty for kidnapping, homicide, hitmanamong other crimes, are from VenezuelaHowever, after several days of the attempted mutiny, it came to light that A Peruvian collaborated in the revolt.

Is about Luis Daga Lozanobetter known as ‘Pacolo‘, ringleader of ‘The New Generation Octopuses‘. Natural of Trujillocapital of the region Freedomhad an international arrest warrant issued by Interpol Lima for his connection with extremely violent criminal activities directed mainly against Peruvian merchants in cities such as Santiago and Central Station.

He was arrested at the beginning of 2024 by the Chilean Investigative Police. Until entering prison, he was a declared enemy of the ‘Aragua Train‘since both transnational organizations were fighting for control of several criminal centers in Chile. But it seems that their relationship changed when they found themselves behind bars, since now they work together for achieve your goals.

‘Pacolo’ is one of those who appears alongside ‘Satanás’ in the pitched battle recorded in the courtyard, where around thirty gendarmes had to intervene with shields, clubs and pepper spray to control the situation. After several minutes, they cornered the prisoners against the wall to subdue them.

Luis Daga Lozano, better known as ‘Pacolo’.

According to experts, the uprising would be motivated by the prisoners’ request to change the special differentiated prison regimein which they are, for a lax prison systemwhich allows a greater intra-penitentiary recruitment of criminals.

With this change, they could recruit more members to join the criminal organizations they are promoting. However, the Chilean Ministry of Justice made it clear that they are not going to allow the internal regime to become more flexible.

“They have a set of requests to which the Executive has not agreed, nor will it agree. These are the reactions to the penitentiary regime that maximum security prisons have,” Luis Cordero, Minister of Justice of Chile, told local media.

“They have made their claims from the beginning about the visitation regime, they also want to be transferred to another prison, but the Executive is not going to give in,” the authority added.

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