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The Government has assured the sanction of the Bases Law and the fair votes to restore Profits


After six months of laborious negotiations, President Javier Milei will win his first legislative trophy this Thursday. Thanks to the support of the bulk of the dialogueist opposition blocs, The ruling party has the guaranteed votes to definitively sanction the bill. Law Bases and the fiscal package in the Chamber of Deputiesalthough it will come with the right wills to restore the income taxone of the chapters that the Senate rejected two weeks ago.

It is not easy for a good part of the dialogue opponents to vote once again in favor of reinstating this tax which, if approved, will reach almost one million salaried workers. It will, without a doubt, be one of the tightest votes of the session that will take place starting at noon; until the end of yesterday the bench leaders, together with Martin Menem, president of the Chamber of Deputies, scored the votes. A simple majority (half plus one of those present) is needed to approve it.

“We are fine,” stated an important representative of the Pro bench. In the ruling party They trust that some of the doubters – even from the Kirchnerist bloc – will facilitate approval, either with your positive vote or with abstention. If the gap with the detractors of the tax is too narrow, there will be no shortage of those who will discreetly absent themselves from the premises to maintain the difference in favor, they slip.

Behind the restitution of the Income tax to the fourth category is the interest not only of the provincial leaders but also of the national government itself, although Milei refuses to admit it. If approved, the tax will impact salaries starting at $1.8 million (single) and $2.2 million (married with two children): this will result in an increase in tax collection that will be close to, according to the OPC, 0.43% of GDP.

Rodrigo De Loredo arrives at the Casa Rosada to meet with the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, the day before the sessionSoledad Aznarez – LA NACION

Another of the chapters that the Chamber of Deputies will seek to rescue from the original half-sanction, after its rejection by the Senate, is the reduction of the Personal Property tax, also included in the tax package. The proposal, which establishes an increase in the non-taxable minimum from 27 million to 100 million and reductions in the rates, has a clear purpose: encourage money laundering, also contained in the fiscal package.

The Union for the Homeland bloc, which leads German Martinezwill reject as unconstitutional the restitution of both chapters, Profits and Personal Assets. They maintain that the fall in total of these two texts, which had a total of 36 articles, is similar to the rejection of a project, so Deputies could not insist on its replacement. “The project will end up in court,” they warn.

This will be the moment of greatest discussion of today’s entire debate. The libertarians and the dialogue blocs will refute the Kirchnerist arguments with extensive parliamentary antecedents that show that andThe rejection of an article by the reviewing chamber is similar to a “modification” to the original half-sanctionso the chamber of origin will be able to insist on its version.

Francos this Wednesday with dialogue-oriented deputies who will support the sanction of the Bases LawPresidency

Thus, a very intense session is expected, which is anticipated, will last for at least twelve hours. It will begin with a debate that will combine the two bills – about 200 speakers in total are expected – and, at the end, The opinion of the Bases Law agreed upon by the ruling party and the dialogueists will be put to the vote first.. It is the least complex: it consists of a single point, which pproposes to accept the modifications that the Senate incorporated to the half-sanction that was voted on last April.

This initiative has as key chapters the delegation of powers to the Executive Branch to restructure the State, the large investment incentive regime (RIGI) and the authorization to declare eight public companies subject to privatization. Reluctantly, the Government and Pro agreed to a proposal for Miguel Pichetto and his block to respect what was agreed in the Senate and maintain off the list of privatizations to Aerolíneas Argentinas, the Argentine Post Office and Argentine Radio and Television (RTA), which were included in the original half-sanction.

“We don’t have the votes to insist,” the ruling party lamented.

Thereafter, it will be put to a vote. the opinion of the fiscal package that, unlike the previous one, Is mixed: proposes insisting on three points of the original half-sanction and accepting the modifications that the Senate included in the rest of the articles.

In addition to the restitution of Profits and Personal Assets, due to pressure from the UCR, CC and We Make the Federal Coalition, the ruling party had to include in the opinion the insistence of article 111, that forces the Government to review tax exemptions for up to two points of GDP. This point was rejected in the Senate by two thirds of the votes and the ruling party prays, inwardly, that the insistence does not prosper in the Deputies. To do this, paradoxically, he will need the help of Unión por la Patria.

In the prelude to the final session for the Bases Law, a group of radical deputies led by Rodrigo de Loredothe head of the UCR block, was received by the Chief of Staff, Guillermo FrancosAccording to LA NACION, legislators from districts governed by the opposition complained that mayors from their party do not receive the revenue sharing funds sent by the Casa Rosada. The meeting was “rough”added the consulted sources.

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