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The Municipality assumed some works paralyzed by the Nation – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Sergio Zorpudes, Secretary of Public Works, reported the current situation of the Capital of Salta regarding the works that had national financing and are currently paralyzed.

Zorpudes informed Time of Voices that the works of the National Registry of Popular Neighborhoods (RENABAP) were completely paralyzed prior to the assumption of Emiliano Durand in the mayor’s office.

“In the La Cerámica neighborhood, a comprehensive recovery of the entire neighborhood was being carried out with pavement and sidewalks, but it was paralyzed. Half of the neighborhood could be served, the other could not. We are in negotiations with the Nation. “That went directly from the Nation to the Municipality, but we found all the financing cut off,” he said.

Likewise, a fundamental work that was paralyzed was the sewer network in Barrio El Carmen. However, the mayor made the decision to finish it with his own municipal resources, as well as the Plaza 9 de Julio.

With the completion of the works, the mayor’s office will ask the Nation to recover the occupied funds.

In addition, he commented that other works such as those linked to ENOSHA are worrying, but they could be reactivated as a result of joint work with Aguas del Norte and the Province. The governor included these works within the agreement with the Nation.

“Many works began to be unblocked that one says are from the Nation, are from the province, are from the municipality and no, they are from the neighbors. So we consider that by working as a team like this we can reach the goal of achieving improvements,” the official concluded.


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