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The Government released the prices of mobile phones, internet and cable


The government of Javier Milei finished releasing this thursday prices of landline, mobile, internet and pay TV services by cable or satellite. Through Resolution 13/2024 published in the Official Gazette, the National Communications Entity (Enacom) repealed a series of regulations through which the previous administration tried to put a cap on the values, although without much success due to the precautionary measures they achieved. companies in Justice.

They were the authorizations for increases enabled by the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) No. 690, which Alberto Fernández signed in August 2020 and had already repealed this Government. In the context of the pandemic Covid19 and the strict quarantine that led to teleworking and distance classes nationwide, the Fernández administration declared as essential public services to ICT servicesand the power of f was arrogatedfix rate increases, through Enacom.

“As a consequence of the issuance of DNU No. 302/2024, which repeals DNU No. 690/2020, it is appropriate that the norms dictated as a consequence continue their same fate, taking into account their connection and regulatory nature of a norm that has lost validity”considered the Government, and thus resolved to repeal ENACOM Resolutions No. 1,466/2020, No. 27/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 170/2021), No. 28/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 163/2021 ), No. 203/2021, No. 204/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 588/2021), No. 862/2021, No. 2,187/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 275/2022), No. 725/2022 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 1,174/2022), No. 1,754/2022, No. 2,393/2022, No. 2,494/2022 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 409/2023), No. 557/2023, and No. 323/2021.

The text was signed by the Enacom authorities: the deputy auditor, Patricia Zulema Roldan; the deputy auditor, Alejandro Fabio Pereyra; and the intervener, Juan Martin Ozores.

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